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Friday, May 17, 2013

Brittany and Andrew, Norman’s truck, Mama

Brittany and Andrew were at the farm when I got home. Brittany came out to meet me so she could be the first one to give me a hug – no competition from Mama with her bum knee. (That used to be a competition the kids had with each other and Mama.) I got to show them the apartment and shop. It was fun for Andrew since the last time he was here he helped nail up a lot of the OSB sheeting on the exterior walls of the apartment.  At that time, the frame was all that was on the slab. He enjoyed his work being put to good use.

They are on their way to Andrew’s new duty station in Mississippi where he will be in flight school. They have metered their trip there in about six hour legs. The first leg was from Colorado Springs, CO to Amarillo, TX. There they visited with Chase and Makaila. The second leg was to us, in Bowie, TX. The third leg will be to visit friends in Hot Springs, AR. Then finally to wherever it is they are going in northeast Mississippi. Norman and Seth stayed the night at a local hotel to allow Brittany and Andrew to have the bed he was sleeping on.

After arriving home from spending all day in Dallas yesterday looking at trucks, without success,  Norman got online again and found a truck for sale that had been posted only about four hours prior. It was in Decatur, so they all got back in Grandpa’s truck and headed over. It turned out to be the one he was looking for. It is not the one he needs to haul hay down to us, but it is a great truck to support his landscaping business back in West Virginia.

It had been used by a company that does custom combining of grain. They are the original owners. They had used it for a service truck so it has an air compressor with an electric starter, a fuel tank with an electric pump and a large tool box bolted in the bed. It was perfect for him and Seth.  We were all pretty excited and relieved that he now has it especially considering that they actually bought and drove away with a truck in Dallas only to have to take it back because something was wrong with the engine. (Fortunately, the seller gave them their money back.)

Grandpa is starting the electrical runs in the apartment and Norman is talking about following behind putting insulation and sheetrock. Today they will get off to a slow start because Grandpa and Grandma are going to take Mama to her follow up appointment with the orthopedic surgeon. Grandma wants to see if there is any help for her with this doctor so I am sure that will be discussed while they are there.

Last night I got the tub set up with a chair so that Mama could shower without getting her knee wet. The doctor’s office told her she could remove the wrap and bandaging so she could clean up so we did –after her shower, just to be certain we did not mess up. Grandma had helper her wash her hair earlier in the day so last night she felt like a new woman.

I do not remember a week without a shower bothering me that much.


Brittania1221 said...

Yay! I'm in your blog! :)

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