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Friday, May 10, 2013

No rain, Dodger, girl’s day out, big plans

Once again all the rain we were predicted to get passed us by. The grass is dead or dormant again; which is bad news for the hay crop we were hoping to get. I told Mama that we really needed to put it up a week ago but Norman needed Grandpa in West Virginia too badly. I can understand in part, but what is being done there is not as time critical as putting up hay. We will at least get something usable from the fields this year but it is pretty thin. On the bright side, it will not take too much time to dry out before we can bale it.

The dogs have been polluted lately with little burrs – Dodger especially. For a couple weeks now every time Mama or Victoria reached out to pet him they immediately pulled their hands away because of the hundreds of burrs lodged deeply in his coat. So yesterday he went to the salon and got a summer hairdo. Mama dropped him off at about 9 a.m. and we went to get him a little after 4 p.m. Was he ever ready to get out of there!

I put him in the car while Mama and the grooming lady talked about the dog she was working on at the time. He hopped onto the ledge at the back window and was sleeping by the time I got Mama out of the shop.  When we got him home, he ate a little, drank a lot and flopped down on the floor – right in the middle of the walk way – and promptly fell asleep. It was a trying day for the poor guy.

He did manage to stir when Mama and I went out to feed the animals. As we walked into the shed in the calf lot where we keep the feed Mama started screaming and prancing because she saw something really big moving in the hay. It was a half grown rabbit, but she had not had time to focus before she panicked.  I tried to get Dodger on its trail but he was distracted elsewhere. It would have been a great chase to watch.

Mama and Victoria are planning on shopping this weekend. I have no idea what they are shopping for but I do know how much Mama can spend and most of that will be given to the gas station to get them there and back. All of what I have left until payday will be spent on feed for the cattle and chickens.  I get paid next week so her timing is pretty bad. But I am sure she will find a way to cope.

The West Virginia crew will be in late Saturday night. At least that is what I know at the time of this writing. Norman and Seth are planning on returning to West Virginia in two weeks driving a truck they are planning to purchase while they are here.

Bold plans.


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