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Friday, May 31, 2013

Home, little accomplishments, Dodger

It was nice to get home last night. At this point I do not plan on traveling for at least a couple weeks. The men from the church are at a campground about an hour from the farm for a weekend fishing trip. Mama wants me to go tonight to fellowship with the group, but I do not know if I am up to any more miles or late nights. I will see how I feel tonight and what time I get out of the office. Mama has to pick me up tonight since I drove a truck to the office this morning. That may postpone my departure somewhat.

Not much got done on the apartment while I was gone. Grandpa has not been feeling well for the past week or so. I did get the good news that even though an inch of rain fell in the span of less than an hour on Wednesday night the apartment and shop were completely dry. I felt a sense of accomplishment in that. Now we can proceed with some confidence as we complete the insulation and sheetrock throughout the apartment, laundry room and shop.

I do have to admit to being a little discouraged with the project. It has taken a lot longer than I originally anticipated and some of the delays have been weeks long. I will keep pushing through and eventually we will get done but it has been a little disappointing that much of the work has had to wait on me. I think my dad must have felt the same sense of frustration as he worked on the house in Chappell Hill over the many years that project was going on, but he persevered – as I will also. It will be worth it when we do finally get done.

When I called Mama yesterday afternoon she and Grandma were at the vet’s office waiting news on Dodger. He had been in quite a bit of pain through the morning and Mama assumed that there was something stuck in his mouth but she and Grandma could not give him and relief. The vet’s diagnosis was that he had been bitten in the face by a copperhead. He will survive but he will still be in some pain for a couple days longer.

He seemed okay when I got home last night but Mama was following the doctor’s orders to not feed him for 24 hours so he was very hungry. The only way I could tell that he was hungry was that he followed every person who headed that direction into the kitchen. Then he would stand at his bowl and look up at each of us. It was kind of pitiful. As I left this morning he went out with me as he usually does, but I am not sure I did the right thing in letting him follow that routine.

I will find out sometime later.


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