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Monday, November 11, 2013

A busy weekend

I have to admit that it is nice to be back to work today. After the weekend we just came through it is nice to have the break. Mama, Victoria and I are all sore. Mama and I spent the entire day Friday going through the remaining boxes in the farm house. She was looking for her Salad Master cookware and I was looking for the motor for my table saw. (She found the pots and pans. I still have not seen my motor.)

All the while we were looking for specific items we were setting aside things to either put up for sale on Saturday or throw away. Believe it or not we did throw away a lot of items. We piled boxes by the dumpster after we had filled it completely up. Then when the trash truck came to empty the dumpster we filled it twice more as he emptied it for us. It was nice to get all the trash out of the way. We still have a  lot of things to sort through but it looks like a reasonable about of junk at this point.

We finished the day Friday by packing the trailer with the items for sale and moving Victoria’s table into the mobile home. After the trailer was loaded and tied down I backed it into the shop and left it for the night. I was not really worried about rain but we have gotten some very heavy dews lately and I saw no sense in everything getting wet before we unloaded it at Trade Days the following morning.

I am not very good with a trailer. I am getting better the more I do it, but I was still nervous weaving it into the mass of vendors already set up Saturday morning. It was a chore getting unloaded and set up but we did manage without anything getting damaged or staying too long in anyone’s way. Mama and Victoria were set to go by 8 a.m.

They spent the whole day there with the “merchandise” and I went back to the farm to work. I sealed up the tank and lines in the well house and I sealed the bottom edge of the well house. We are supposed to have some breeze days with nights in the high 20’s. I did not want to have any frozen lines if we could avoid it. Tonight I have to work on the chicken coop and the laundry room to keep the majority of the cold winds out of those two areas. The cold is not supposed to last long but I still need to get prepped for winter so it will be a worthwhile effort.

 I also worked in the barn making a place for Misty to have cover during the coming winter but I am not sure we will keep that spot open for her. She has been throwing some pretty fierce tantrums lately and Mama is getting more and more scared of her. I am not sure what I did to provoke the response but I she kicked me and bruised my hand as I was carrying tools over to fix the gate between her pasture and the calf lot. I was not a happy camper.

I have not called Wes – our horse whisperer – but I need to. I cannot afford to have an animal we cannot control on our farm; least of all a horse.

Mama talked with the man who can sell us bottle calves and he I supposed to call us soon. I have four stalls set up for little ones but we are still waiting to hear back from him. We only want the four. I have convinced Mama to go smaller with a longer term goal in mind. No more racing to riches by high volumes and high costs. We are looking for steady, manageable progress.

As far as the apartment goes, there is no urgency to get into it right now since Grandma and Grandpa are in West Virginia for the winter. I may get to finish it up completely before we do move in.

Time will tell.


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