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Thursday, November 7, 2013

Interrupted sleep, pride, off tomorrow

I was wakened this morning by the little Dachshund that Mama and Victoria recently “re-homed”. She is not happy with her confinement through the night. The cage is large enough that we can get the Great Pyrenees dogs in it but it is still not to her liking. So, at 3 a.m. I got up and put her outside foe the remainder of the morning. I felt a little badly since there was frost on the ground but I managed to go right back to sleep.

 When I got up at my normal time I let her back into the house but I put her back in the cage. I was hoping that a couple hours outside in the cold would help her to appreciate any warm place in the house; not even close. As soon as I closed the cage door and began to walk away she started barking again. In response to that, I put her back outside. I will get fussed at later, but Mama and Victoria will get a couple hours of undisturbed sleep – I hope.

Pastor preached last night about pride and what it can do to you spiritually and physically. He touched on several things, one of which really resonated with Mama. I have slept since then but I do remember his mention of the type of pride that masquerades as humility; when a person will refuse to do something on the grounds that they are not worthy when in fact they really do not want to do it, or are too proud to do it in the first place.

When someone will nurse a grudge about a perceived wrong rather than getting together with the offending party to see what can be done to straighten out the issue. When we go about our daily lives doing things “our way” regardless of the right or wrong of it, inadvertently wounding others – who, we think to ourselves, should grow up and get over it. When we cut somebody off on the highway so they will be the ones stuck behind the semi through the construction area.

Whenever we feel we deserve better than we have, it is because of pride. When we feel we need nothing of this world and give away everything to prove it, it is too often because of pride – especially if we have to rely on others to provide for us the things we so humbly gave away. I think of people I know who cannot hold a job because they know more than the boss, or they deserve to be treated better, etc. That too comes from a prideful heart.

I tend to be a humble person, but all of us have our moments wrestling with pride. There is little we can do to make others recognize it in themselves. We can only deal with pride as the Hole Spirit brings it up to us, personally. It was a good lesson.

I am taking tomorrow off (Boy, do I need it) so I can work on getting things ready for Mama and Victoria and their Trade Day’s sale on Saturday. I also need the time to work on the little truck.

Hopefully I will not break it worse than it is at the moment.


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