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Monday, December 16, 2013

The play, the double oven, shopping

Getting through this weekend was a bit of a marathon. With play practice Friday night and again Saturday afternoon it swallowed up the majority of our time and attention. The performance of the play was on Sunday night and it went without a hitch – that anyone in the audience could tell. There were lines left out and lights left on at the wrong times, but all in all, it went very smoothly. Everyone that was in attendance thought it was a success in both presentation and content.

The true measure of the event was that a young lady visiting relatives saw the play, heard the pastor’s plea for a lost sinner to come to know the Lord and she came to the pastor after it was over and asked him to show her how to be saved. That made it all worthwhile.

Meanwhile, back at the apartment I got to install the double oven we had bought on Thursday night. I had to do two additional retrofits for the oven since it was significantly larger than the original oven the cut out was made for. By Saturday day afternoon we had it set in the cabinet; as far as it was going to go. I would have needed to cut away almost the entire face of the cabinet to get this oven in place as it was designed so I met the manufacturer half way. I will have to box in what sticks out, but it will be worth it. Hopefully no one will easily notice the fit – only the function.

After play practice Friday night we went to Lowes to get a Christmas tree. It was still pretty chilly outside so Mama and Victoria had the tree picked out pretty quickly. We could not find help so Victoria and I ran it through the netting dispenser ourselves. There was a young lady in a booth in the outdoor area and she rang up the purchase by ducking back and forth in and out of the heated enclosure. The tree was half price so we ended up paying only eleven dollars for it. Mama was thrilled.

Once we got it home it did not take long to get it trimmed and set in the stand. It is now sitting in front of the north facing window of the mobile home. I am assuming Mama will find the lights and decorations in the near future and get it properly dressed, but today she is going shopping with one of the ladies from the church. It will be an all-day affair, especially if Mama collects me after they get back so the two of us can do some shopping at Sam’s.

They are going to Denton to finalize some Christmas shopping. I have the salve ready for the financial wounds about to be inflicted by the outlay of cash this morning. She has a budget to meet and I am not sure if she will make it with the list she has recently generated, but we will see. She had an ambitious agenda of gifts but I am not able to meet that agenda so she is working on the B list right now. Before she comes home there may be a C list generated.

But she will be shopping – and that with a friend. She is very excited. She asked me to pray that her knees would hold up to the strain of being out for several hours. I had to admit that that is not a prayer I truly favor praying since the longer she stays out the more it will cost me.

But I will give it a hearty attempt at sincerity.


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