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Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Rain, being close, success, sad news

The rains came as expected yesterday and will continue through this week into next week. As night fell last night the storms intensified with lightning and thunder for hours. I do not think we got much precipitation out of the display but it was fun to hear the rumble and see the flashes of lightening through the closed window shades. Mama and I have always loved storms. She just does not like to travel in them.

In spite of the early evening rains we went to Sam’s after late meetings I had to attend at work. It is nice to be situated where we are because, for us, it is conveniently close to everything we need. Many would not consider it so because to travel the ten miles from Decatur to Bridgeport is, to them, a troublesome drive. When Mama and I talk about going to places hours away (and returning the same day) you would think they would have to take a couple days to make such a trip. “Close” is all about perspective.

I have to admit that there are days when Mama does not even want to leave the house to go to Chico –three miles away. I do not mind such times. It costs me far less to have her at home than out shopping. To date she has not discovered the ease of shopping online. I rue the  day we stumble across that avenue of commerce.

In spite of the issues we have had – and will continue to have – with this home it is nice to be here. Mama and I were going over the plants in the twilight last night checking for progress in their growth. Her rose bushes gave her the biggest thrill. They are putting on new buds like crazy. The blackberry and black raspberry bushes have berries ripening on them – they have only been in the ground a week. The tiny blueberry bush we planted a few weeks ago has four berries on it.

The little fig has several figs beginning to develop. The nectarine has fruit developing – even though the birds are pecking at them. We have one lone apple on the young tree in the garden. The older apple tree is not going to give us any fruit but the pear tree will make up for it. It is encouraging to finally be able to see things grow so well; things besides weeds, briars and nettles. The only drawback is that I want to keep buying plants and trees to augment the blessing; but Mama told me I have to stop for now.

On a sad front, Victoria’s friend Heather who, with her husband of three years, has been serving at a mission’s work in Peru lost her husband yesterday. He had suffered a head injury and did not recover. Throughout the time he was in the hospital her testimony has been incredibly uplifting. Even at his death her heart’s expression for love for the Lord was what most of us hope we will have the grace and wisdom to say at such a moment. Mama and Victoria were both deeply affected by the news.

A stark reminder of just how brief our life really is.


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