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Friday, December 9, 2016

A woman’s look, full house, Kira

In one of our meetings yesterday one of the attendants – a male – was constantly clicking the pen he had in his hand. It was very annoying. In my humble opinion, that was the goal. Eventually, one of the women in the class who had been glaring at him for over half an hour blurted out, “Why can you not hear what my face is saying?!” I thought that was one of the best one liners I have heard in a long time. It is also indicative of one of the most favored types of communication women use; somewhere in this order body language, facial expressions and feral sounds. I have adapted to Mama in this area but I have had it easier than most men because Mama is generally very open about what she feels I need to know about what she is thinking or feeling. Even when I may not understand what she needs from me in a given situation I get to hear the verbalization of the idea. For that I am thankful because, like most men, I am not gifted in guessing an offense I have committed or interpreting an offense from another towards her. She just tells me – as best she can. But I am pretty adept at hearing what her face is saying in most circumstances.
It was a busy morning this morning. The grandkids begin stirring every morning about the same time Mama and I normally get up so breakfast and Bible reading and coffee preparation and getting ready for work and petting the dogs and passing around Savana and everything else got jumbled up in a mix this morning. It was fun but it was very different. I suppose we will get used to it. I can start doing my Bible reading in the bathroom (so I can concentrate) and mornings will become a routine for all of us. It is, in all ways, a fun challenge. As is true in almost every home the youngest gets the most attention – whether they need it or not. In truth, she is “so stinkin’ cute” it is hard to refrain from picking her up or getting her passed to you from the person currently holding her, that getting anything routine done takes more time than usual. And she wants to be with the person who is doing something vs sitting on a lap, eating her oatmeal or playing happily on her own. We will enjoy it as long as the opportunity presents itself.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Kira has delivered five pups as of 6:30 pm. She has had a few worried moments but Victoria has been nurse-mating her for the entirety of the process. I began to realize the magnitude of the whelping when the family trip to get our Christmas tree was postponed due to the pups coming. Of course the grandkids are thrilled to be here for the delivery although Mykenzie has not been interested in the birthing. Something about it being gross. Grant, on the other hand, has been fascinated by the process. The dog building Grandpa built has worked out very well. He rigged up the lights and outlets to work off of a extension cord which we have run from the well house. So as Victoria keeps vigil over Kira it is being done in a warm, cozy little building sealed against the elements. 
I am pleased that the birth was begun in the Birthing Center and not in the house.


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