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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The empty page, Conversation, Prayer Partners

Perhaps the most threatening thing to an aspiring writer is the expanse of an empty page. What do I say? How do I say it? Will anyone care? These are daunting questions. Perhaps they were even more overwhelming when a writer literally had to write – as with pen and paper. Here, electronically, it is much easier. We can insert a forgotten thought, cut and paste from one electronic source to another, spell check and revise to our hearts content. But there is still the task of organizing rational, worthwhile thoughts and communicating them clearly.

My wife and I sat together the day before yesterday and hashed out how we were going to pray about our increasing desire to relocate. With the long string of setbacks it was imperative I get my prayer partner on board with me and, as it turned out, equally important that I get on board with her. We both want the same thing, but for vastly different reasons.

I am the type of persons who reasons out my thoughts long before expressing them. My wife, on the other hand, is one who struggles to express herself and worries over not doing so clearly enough. The fact that she is almost always happier than I am may lend credibility to her approach to confrontation/expression in general – do not over-plan what you are going to say, just express what you can and hope for the best. It takes more time but it almost always works.

Her favorite expression is, “You know what I mean!”, and I usually do but it is great fun to watch her push past the lack of words and tackle the thought from another direction. Fortunately, neither of us needs to have an idea spelled out with definite clarity. It is more fun to see it develop over the course of our conversations. After all, conversation should not be a competition. We both win if we understand the heart of the person we are conversing with.

When my wife and I pray together about something, especially something we have discussed and defined, we see more of an answer. She sees parts of the answer that I do not see. In turn, I see parts of the answer that she does not see. As we pray and study together we see a clearer picture of how much God is working in our lives; a more honest picture than I can see on my own.

Which brings me back to the empty page. I wrestled with what to write tonight, because things are happening in our lives (our prayers are being answered) but nothing is formalized enough to mention. We have a subdued excitement as we begin to see God working out the answers to our prayers. It is more from a sense of expectation than it is from a definite conclusion to the matter.

After all, real prayer is merely having a conversation with God. As we struggle to put into words the thoughts we need to express to him it helps reveal to us the needs of our lives and those around us as well as the desires of our hearts. I know he listens to me. My most difficult question remains, am I listening to Him?


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