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Friday, May 21, 2010

Grandkids, preacher boys, Peeking

As we arrived in Hot Springs, church had already started. We were about twenty-five minutes late, but our children had saved us a spot. On the platform was a young boy. He looked to be about twelve. He was one of the six preacher boys that were to speak that night. What a pleasure to hear these youth do their best to practice what they had seen in and heard from the pulpit and now had studied to present. It was truly delightful.
The church here has a club/class of young boys that are exploring a call to preach. They are trained, coached and then given opportunity to practice what they have learned. Some of the twelve to fifteen year-olds had preached as much as seven times. What a great opportunity.
The grand kids arrived in the very early a.m. after traveling all night. They were rested and revved up – me and Grammy, not so much. But those who have grandchildren will understand that we met their exuberance with equal enthusiasm. I do believe grandchildren keep your focus on youth. Ours is long ago spent and theirs, at the age of ours, is still ahead. We will expend ourselves to share as much as possible with them and in so doing share our experiences and add ourselves into their lives as best we are allowed. For now it is tremendous fun.
My daughter and son-in-law brought me a Bible of the same type that was stolen from me earlier this year. It was a great surprise. We went over to the book store associated with the college to look for a bible cover to protect my new bible and while there I thought I should use the bathroom rather than tie up the only one at Grandma’s house.
While in there a couple of vey young boys came in needing to use the pot. I was already there so it really bothered the youngest. He was probably four years old. He asked “Who are you? I answered “Just me.” “But who are you?” “I’m just me.” “Do I know you?” I don’t think so” (I had thought it would be more private to use the bathroom here than at Grandma’s. Obviously not!)
When he could not place my voice he decided it would easier to find out what was going on if he just crawled into the stall with me. “I don’t know you at all.” No you don’t and you are being naughty, besides the fact that you crawled on a very dirty floor under the door to get in here.”
At this point he was very puzzled. “Crawl back out and wait for me to finish.” “Will it be soon?” “I will hurry” So he crawled out and I finished. When I got out he walked past me into the stall and turned around and looked me very concerned. “Are you going to look?”
“No, I am not the naughty one, you are.”
Aren’t kids wonderful!


Beth said...

You write so well! I've enjoyed this peek into you and your family. Safe travels, brother.

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