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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Planting and planning

Mama and I finally planted our blueberry plants yesterday evening after I got home. Victoria was making dinner and it seemed a waste to let them sit in their shipping packages any longer. I expect we will get a couple more plants this weekend. Mama wants to plant some blackberry and black raspberry in the same way we did the blueberries and I don’t see that being a problem unless we do not move from Amarillo this year. Then blackberry plants could be problematic to care for over the winter.

In my CPR training the other day the instructor said something I would like to pass on. He said he has never been one to strongly resist change. Many changes we are required to adopt are actually beneficial in the long run and those that are not are rarely harmful, only uncomfortable. He said, ‘Healthy things grow and growing things change. If you are not changing – hopefully for the better – then you are not growing. If you are not growing you might not be too healthy either.”

On one of the programs we were watching yesterday before church, a guest financial expert suggested that a person should have at least six months of cash (equal to your expenses over those six months) set aside for the coming economic unrest. Mama asked me if we did. I happily assured her that I had about six days worth of cash set aside but not quite enough for six months of expenses. She asked me how much that would be and when I told her she almost fell over.

I am not sure with the demands on my income and the demands of those who count on my income if I could ever set aside that much cash without it causing a family feud. I keep my savings accounts guarded from all but Mama because there is always a “need” for all the money I am willing to spend. In almost thirty years of supporting two or more families it is amazing how that need continues to grow – closely matching my income at any point in time.

Mama is talking about stockpiling food and I suppose it is a good idea but the thought of buying cases of corn, green beans and fruit cocktail does not appeal to me. The thought of six months worth of dehydrated food sitting in the garage is even less appealing. As we begin to pray and prepare I know the Lord will give us wisdom as I seek to follow Him.

In my obedience He promised to take care of us. I trust Him.


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