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Monday, February 14, 2011

Looking at land, Feeling poorly

Mama and I did get a chance to look at one property. It was eleven acres with a very large, recently built house. It was in Decatur but had a definite country feel. It is not what I am looking for and the price tag was far above what I am willing to consider. Sticker is $289,000. Taxes are $6,000 per year. In New Jersey such things are unavoidable. It Texas, I am not willing to go there. Mama was thrilled about the house; me, not so much.

I am interested more in land than a home. If we are to consider the ability to provide a refuge in difficult times to our children and extended family, buying such a home as I listed above is not the route to take. I am not even sure there is the ability on that property to raise and “farm” animals. I think the allowances are more geared to cattle and horses and not so much to chickens, hogs or any such smaller animals we might be interested in.

There is a general level of excitement about having land again. Mama has not been in favor of the idea for a lot of years – all the years we were living in New Jersey and most of the time we were in Victoria, TX. That attitude has shifted enough that the idea now appeals to her. The thought of raising animals and having something for all of our grandkids (however many there end up being) to visit and enjoy may be the driving force but it is hard to say.

Sunday I was not feeling well. Today is not much better. It is nothing serious, just a general malaise. I went to church for both services since I knew I was planning on going to work today. I have always thought it inappropriate to miss church when not feeling well then go to work on Monday. It seemed to evidence a lack of character. I fall short in enough ways. I do not need to add that to it. To compensate I slept all afternoon. I even skipped lunch to give as much sleep time as possible.

Besides I made promises to people that can only be kept from my office. I am allowed to work remotely and am fully equipped to do so, but I am able to get a lot more done when I am in the office and since my contact with people is limited, I should not be a health hazard to my co-workers. I can honestly say that I would rather have stayed in bed this morning as opposed to crawling out of it at 4:20 a.m.

Solomon warned that “a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep” (Prov. 6:10) would bring poverty to a home. I am a little worried by the thought since this month seems a little more impoverished that many in the past.

Hopefully, we are slowly winning that battle.


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