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Monday, March 21, 2011

Busy week ahead, Chase’s battles, Opportunities for Seth

This may be my only entry this week. Tomorrow and Wednesday I will be in training in Amarillo. I will find out what it is like to be close to work. Thursday and Friday we will be in Decatur. I will be working out of the offices there so I am not sure what I will have available to me when I get there. We are going through a pretty extensive audit in that area and there will be multiple extra people using the open cubicles for their part in the audit. I will see what I can find when I get there.

Grandma and Grandpa are excited about going to the Decatur area to look at property. Mama is ecstatic. I am less enthusiastic. I have been running the numbers to see if we can really afford to take on the debt and the corresponding payments in addition to what we are already doing- and it looks close. It will interrupt our saving’s plan, but we will be able to do it within reason.

When I gave Mama the monetary value I have calculated that we could afford it disappointed her a little. But I explained that we cannot base our debt load on the promises of others to help. As noble as those promises may be, they have played out poorly, at best, in the past. Most times they have met with disastrous results. So if I cannot fit it in my budget it is not gong to happen. I avoid, when possible, what Mary Poppins calls “pie crust promises – easily made, easily broken.”

Chase and friends survived the night playing war games with Air Soft rifles. They did get one scare when they heard the voices of some homeless men looking for them in the “woods”. I parenthesized woods because if you could see the countryside, you would know that it is mostly inappropriate in reference to the area. The two teams banded together and shot a volley of pellets in the direction of the interlopers and the phantoms took off at a dead run. After the boys had established a safe zone, the war resumed.

Although Chase is no worse the wear for the night out and the bruises from the pellets that actually contacted his person, he felt completely outgunned. He is desperate for a job so he can buy his own rifle for the games. Two months ago it would have been an electronic gadget at the top of his wish list, not so much now. He should know something by Tuesday evening about a job.

While we were out looking at local plant nurseries we put in an application for Seth at one pretty far south of town. I was not thrilled about the prospect of him traveling so far for a part time job, but in this economy we take what we can get. While there, the manager suggested he contact a local landscaper she knows who is looking for help. We will make that call today.

His schooling schedule makes it difficult to find good opportunities, but that should clear up with time. Our focus is on his completion of this GED training. We are praying for him and the Lord knows exactly what he needs. Soon the two (our prayers and God’s supply) will meet in God’s perfect will and we will really rejoice.

Mama and I bought a rawhide toy for Bella hoping she would chew on it as opposed to the many other things that attract her attention – most of which she has no business chewing on. Grandma called us about twenty minutes after we had dropped it off to tell us she had buried it.

So much for that idea.


Cori said...

Haha! Sounds like getting a toy for the kids that at the store they love, when you get it home you find out what they really think about it! Guess Bella isn't going to be bullied into what she likes ;) Hope it gets better soon though!

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