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Friday, March 18, 2011

Part of the job, appointments in Decatur, grumpy Maggie

Next week may be a difficult time for me to write since I will be in training all day Tuesday and Wednesday and we will be in Decatur for the remainder of the week. I tried to arrange this week so that I would have time in the office in the mornings before any pressing appointments so I could jot down some thoughts. That has worked out pretty well.

I traveled to Elk City, OK yesterday after a morning Safety meeting and spent some time with the two ladies I have there. I told one of the ladies, who has been a problem, that she would lose her job at the end of April. She took the news okay but it was obviously disappointing to her. I was as honest as I thought I should be about the reason; that she was being let go because of issues with her troubled interactions with office personnel. She is the type of person that people try to avoid, but make the best of. She, on the other hand, considers herself one of the most liked people in the office. It makes this part of the job unpleasant.

That is never an easy message especially since I have not been a part of the last four years she has been working in that office. I explained that there was some disappointment about her work and that I was giving her six weeks notice -unofficially - so she could look within her employment agency for another job. It was still difficult to do. Officially, I will let everyone know on April 18th.

I am headed to the office in Guymon, OK today to visit with my direct reports there – two ladies. Mama admitted that it bothers her a little for me to be taking women out to lunch, even if they are company employees for whom I am responsible. It bothers me too, but I try to make light of it and do it as circumspectly as possible. All of the ladies have seemed to understand so far. If it ever hints at being a problem I will apologize to the ladies and stop going. I will pay for them to go out by themselves. Everyone has treated the matter very professionally so far.

Mama has appointments set up for us in Decatur already. We are leaving after my training on Wednesday so they will have full days to look at properties on Thursday and Friday. I will be allowed to look at the approved properties in the evenings. I can almost hear the woman’s voice from HGTV narrating the moment. “Tim joins his wife, Kim, and her parents as they go back to the farm with the smaller home and the greenhouse to have a second look. Kim and her parents are excited, Tim is not so enthusiastic.” We will not finish the episode that weekend.

Chase will only have to worry about getting to and from school on Thursday. He has no school on Friday. Victoria, Maggie and Seth can take care of the needed driving. Mama and I will make sure there are plenty of Hot Pockets and peanut butter and jelly for the three nights we will be gone. Since we will have Grandma (if she feels up to it) and Grandpa with us, they will really be on their own recognizance.

Maggie has been a grumpy grouch lately and it is understandable in part. I have not had the chance to talk to her over the past few days due to her schedule and my bedtimes conflicting. But when I see her this weekend we will talk. I can’t let the tantrum go on too long. It is too difficult on the rest of us. She has to learn to deal with Aaron’s absences in a more positive way and Aaron will have to understand that Maggie still loves him even if she does not fall to pieces when he is not with her.

They’ll both eventually grow into it.


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