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Monday, March 7, 2011

Wedding delays, Property shopping, job news

Maggie got to talk to Aaron for quite some time this weekend. Well, on Saturday anyway. It seems from those extended conversations, that the wedding plans are going to be put off until later in the year, possibly October, but it is difficult to tell. At the very least Maggie is learning what she and her future husband will have to contend with as he progresses in rank in the Coast Guard.

She and Mama went to look at rings on Friday and I think she found what she was looking for but she and Aaron are going to get together on that purchase to some extent so there was no purchase that I am aware of. We are all just settling into a routine of daily activities as we plan for the wedding and the other activities coming at us quickly.

Mama and I are still looking at properties. We even went to look at a log home on ten acres here in Amarillo. It was disappointing. The pictures the realtor had online were the best possible pictures of the property and home. It took us some digging to get the address and several wrong turns to find the property even when we were in the right area. At first glace it was kind of exciting, but a closer inspection made it pretty obvious why it has been on the market for six plus months.

The home is in need of repair and looking only from the outside, it may need major repairs. The land is nothing but caliche; calcium carbonate rock in a mix of gravel, sand and clay. It is used a road base because it packs so well. It is not conducive to gardening. Almost nothing can grow in it, and almost nothing is. We took Grandma and Grandpa out to look so they could get a feel for what is available in the area. Grandpa was excited about the ten acres and the possibilities of what could be done with it. He enjoys looking also.

The realtor called us back that evening to find out if we were interested. I did not talk to him, but I got the impression as Mama talked to him that he was not surprised by her responses. He sent us several other listings for land in the area but buying twenty acres of prairie grass does not excite us either; hence, our interest in areas southeast of us.

For those of you wondering why we are looking here in Amarillo as well as in the area near Fort Worth, I can only answer that it would be unwise not to look here since this is where God has put us for now. We can not be sure that we are going to move because that decision is out of our control, so if God chooses for us to stay here it would be foolish not to look into our options locally. Besides, Mama and I enjoy looking. It settles our hearts on what God needs of us.

Seth is meeting with his boss this morning to discuss the videos she sent home with him over the weekend. He is pretty nervous about it. Chase could hear today about a job at the Game Stop near our house. Mama and I are not excited about the employer but the manager told the owner that he wants to hire Chase. That decision could be made today. Chase is nervous about that.

We took a quiz in our Soul Winning class last night. Mama refused to take the quiz so the pastor gave her another week to prepare. Mama is nervous about that. After talking to her and Maggie (who complained about how hard the verses were to learn) he told me he was putting me at the top of his prayer list.


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