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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Training, Driving, Hunting

I have been in training classes for Excel for the past two days. It has been very helpful but tiring. It filled a lot of gaps in my knowledge but it will take me days to practice the skills I have been shown. It is a little overwhelming to sit through sixteen hours of that kind of technical training with no more than a pen and a notepad, but we will see how well I listened once I begin to apply the information. One thing I did like was going home for lunch. That is something I never get to do at my current job location.

I got out of class on the second day at 4:04 p.m. and got home only a few minutes later where Mama, Grandma and Grandpa were waiting. The car was pretty well loaded and ready to go so I got a couple things I needed for work, put them in the back and got in the driver’s seat. We were on the road by 4:30 p.m. for our five hour drive to Decatur, TX.

It is an easy drive even though it takes five hours and Grandma and Grandpa did not seem to be bothered by it. They both seemed to enjoy it as long as the light lasted. It got dark about an hour before we got to Decatur. Mama was a little disappointed because she had wanted to see the area on Hwy 287 just outside of Decatur so she would have a visual reference to the maps she has studied so much as we prepared for this weekend.

We were up pretty early this morning so could get to work at a respectable hour and when I left the hotel room Grandma and Grandpa were up getting ready to do their devotions. Mama is chomping at the bit to start hunting. I do not enjoy her type of hunting as much as my own because it has a much higher price tag attached and is rarely edible, but it keeps her happy. It makes me think of the jewelry store right outside of Cabela’s in Reading, PA. It has a huge marquee saying, “Her Hunting Supply Store”.

Mama has several properties scheduled for view with a realtor here in Decatur. She was excited to see that Bridgeport, TX is only eleven miles away. Bridgeport of the areas we are interested in, but our preference is Chico, TX at this point. Chico is about seven miles from Bridgeport and there is one property there that Mama is particularly interested in. I think they will see that first. I wished her happy hunting as I was dropped off at the local office.

Our pastor already talked to the young man he and I spoke about and asked if he would be interested in going on a double date to meet Victoria. He said he would have to pray about it. The pastor did say he had been hurt several times so he may be a little gun shy. Grandma was a little upset by the response. I am not sure how Victoria took it since I was not there last night and I did not talk to her when she called to tell us.

It is hard to tell with her but she is far more sensitive than she lets on.


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