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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Mama in her element, deciding on dogs, a date for Victoria?

Three little ones were dropped off at the house this morning so their mother could go look for a job. She is trying to get recognized by a temp agency in Amarillo and the best way for her to do that is to sit in the lobby all day hoping to attract some attention. She is twenty-one years old, married five years and has three children; the youngest being only several weeks old. Mama and Victoria are loving the busy, noisy house.

When I called this morning Mama was digging through containers in the garage to get the tote of toys to bring into the house for the older one. I think he is four years old. There are other things that need to be done but nothing takes precedent over this. I suppose that’s why kids like Mama Kim’s house.

I talked to Nanu this weekend; He is the seven-year-old son of a friend of mine. They live in the Ukraine now since that is where his mother is from. His father, Emil Estrada (a coworker of mine in New Jersey), is from Cuba so it is an interesting marriage. Nanu was very late learning to talk and for a couple of years I was the only one besides his mother who could understand him – not his words, just his intent.

He was having a difficult time differentiating languages. His mother spoke to him mostly in Russian and Ukrainian. His father spoke to him in English and Spanish. He was almost five before his sentences made sense. But somehow he and I connected and we have been best buds since.

His birthday was Saturday so I called him on Skype. He is now a star pupil in the school although he is having some trouble with the Ukrainian language. His father told me that when he is asked a question in Ukrainian, it often has to be translated to Russian before he can understand enough to respond. When he does understand, he can give a full and accurate response in Russian and Ukrainian.

He will be fluent in three, possibly four languages. That’s amazing!

Mama and Victoria are still debating what dogs they are going to raise. I told Mama I am more in favor of small lap dogs than anything else since they are easier to keep up after and tend to require less space as well as less food. Plus, they sell for as much if not more that the bigger dogs and they tend to be easier to sell. We are leaning more toward mini Dachshunds and Havanese. That may change several times in the near future.

At a fellowship in church last night I sat across from the pastor. As we talked I asked, not really having planned the question, if he knew anyone he could introduce Victoria to. As it turns out, he does. The guy is twenty-nine years old serving as the assistant pastor in a church where his father is the pastor. Since Victoria expressed her common lack of interest in such things personal, the pastor offered to see if the young man was interested in meeting anyone and if so, he and Mrs. Chadwick would take them out on a double date.

I almost hate to try things like this for fear they will fail and Victoria will count it an additional personal loss. But, nothing ventured, nothing gained. I am no match maker but as I prayed last Thursday (Victoria’s day) God reinforced the vision I have of the man he has for her. This one fits the bill.

I think, either way, she will forgive me.


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