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Thursday, May 5, 2011

Chase’s news, Mother’s Day, Rain

Much to Chase’s disappointment the job at Sam’s fell through because the hiring manager suddenly discovered that he is not eighteen years old. He had a few choice words to say about the questionable competence of the persons involved but he took it pretty well. He did get an interview at Chick-fil-A. I think this is application forty. If he gets hired there at least getting off on Sunday’s is not an issue.

He and the other teen boys in his school have been spending the past couple days looking for a broken water line on the church’s property. Mama is put out by it but I think it is a good thing. It is far better than traveling to distant gyms to sit on the bench and watch his team play basketball. It is a skill that will serve him well later I life.

Mother’s Day is fast approaching and Mama swears that she does not want anything; like that’s going to happen. I gave her a card with an IOU inside – good for one outfit. I completely understand that that outfit could start at the skin and work its way outward to include items both worn and carried. After all, no outfit is complete without being fully accessorized. I put myself in these situations with Mama because it really is fun.

It seems frighteningly selfish to be praying for rain when to the East of us hundreds of thousands of acres and thousands of homes are flooded. But the truth is that we need the rain here. I almost cringe when I see the local need superimposed on the larger picture of the United States. I wish we could share that over-abundance evenly across the land – as I am sure the people suffering loss in this flooding do, but I am now God. So I must pray for rain to come here as I pray for the safety and relief of those who are now suffering from too much rain.

Victoria went shopping with Mama yesterday and actually spent money. She bought clothing with money saved in her wedding fund. I told the money was spent in line with the object of her account since she was buying some “man-catcher” outfits. She laughed and told me Grandma had said almost the same thing. She, Victoria, was very excited about her purchases; telling me what fun it was.

I hope we have not created a monster.


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