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Monday, May 2, 2011

Decisions on the farm, Exploring Palo Duro

By the end of the week Mama and I should have the money in hand to settle the outstanding balance on the house in New Jersey. I have been in so many situations where a decision seemed right but over the course of time turned out to be a poor choice. I am sure that is why Solomon says that in the multitude of counselors there is wisdom. We have tried to operate as openly, as honestly and as prudently as we are able at this time. I have worked with our accountant prepare for next years tax obligations and feel strongly at this point that we are making the right decision.

With that debt cleared up we should be able to make progress toward straightening out our credit report and securing a loan for a farm; hopefully the one that we are praying for right now. Grandpa is studying all the information I have found on planting times and grass yields for the acreage in question and we are all looking at equipment and materials costs for the first phase of making the farm work for us.

If we are able to buy the farm in time, Mama and I are going to buy a log home package from a developer whose project fell through. They are now liquidating the log home packages at less that 30% of the original contractor price. We are hoping to purchase a moderately sized package for about $10000. If our timing is off we will miss that opportunity so there is a little anxiousness about that, but we can at least rest in the fact that we have done all we are able to make this work and can truly allow the outcome to rest in God’s hands.

Mama was thrilled to get a call from Cori last night. They have not spoken in several days since Cori and Nate are visiting his parents in Indiana – she did not want to interfere in the visit. They have a family farm in the area so the grandkids are busy enjoying all the benefits of open spaces and free access to animals kept there. I did not get much information since I was going to bed during the conversation.

Chase was asked to work on a van route at the church. The assistant pastor asked him to pray about it and let him know on Saturday. He was very excited about the proposition.

Chase and Seth went to Palo Duro Canyon yesterday afternoon and explored a crack in the rocks that requires a climber to wedge himself between the walls and ease themselves down into the cave below. Chase found primitive etchings from as far back as 1986! He and Seth had a great time. Seth found out about this through the guys he works with. If I remember correctly, there are several more exotic locations they have to explore this summer and I am invited. For some reason the invitation did not extend to Mama.

I will be traveling to Elk City today to welcome back one of my ladies who has been out on maternity leave. I have made some personnel changes in her office in her absence and now need to confirm those chanes with her so she can ease back into her routine. Since it is only two hours away, I will be over and back today.

I enjoy these outings.


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