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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Pup trials, Chase’s suit, Seth reading

I am having trouble getting started this morning. I slept until one minute before my alarm went off. I am usually more than thirty minutes ahead of it, so my early morning was a little rushed. It is not like anyone is waiting on me to relieve them, but once a schedule is established it throws off the pace of the day to interrupt it.

Victoria was up putting the pup in her carrier in the garage because she wet her bed. (Victoria sleeps with the pup to help in the house breaking process.) This was at 4:45 a.m. Victoria was not happy. As I was leaving is could hear that the pup was not happy either. Later today I will find out if the pup was able to wake anyone else up with her complaining. Rosie must have spoiled us all with how easy it was to house break her. Ketsia is proving far more difficult.

Mama and I are both struggling to keep our minds focused on the day-to-day routine as the Lord works in the background on so many things – not the least of which is the farm purchase. We almost sold the Lincoln yesterday, but the sale fell through when the buyer came up short on cash and wanted to renegotiate a lower price. That was a little disappointing.

Chase and some of the boys in the school are helping with the funeral of one of the old saints of our church. She had been a member for seventy eight years. That seems incredible to me; not only the length of her life but the length of her time in one place, in one congregation. That is unusual faithfulness. Friday in the early a.m. it was rewarded.

Chase had to borrow a black suit from Grandpa for the service today. It fits him almost perfectly. Mama and I will have to buy him his own soon since he has only one suit now. The apparel is much more important in this church than anywhere else we have attended. I do not have a problem with that; we are just unprepared for it.

I do like the way our pastor goes out of his way to include Chase and Seth in every way possible. Sunday night a week ago Seth volunteered to read a verse as the pastor was giving out verses for the congregants to read. Seth was actually the first to volunteer, and he got a pretty difficult one. The pastor patiently helped him on two of the words he was not able to sound out on his own and then remarked how far Seth had come and how proud he was of him. I do not know how Seth took it but I was thrilled.

The pastor has had both Chase and Seth dismiss the service in prayer and has both of them serving as doormen after every service. They both take it very seriously; as they should. It is good to see them working in the church and it is even better to see how the members respond to their efforts to serve.


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