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Thursday, May 12, 2011

Lions and Tigers and Bears, My Boss

Mama took the little ones to the zoo here in Amarillo. It s not a large zoo, but it has enough to make it worth the three dollars admission. This was the first time Mama had gone. As they were pulling up to the zoo Victoria pointed out the black bear that could be seen through the fence. Trace immediately complained about his fear of getting eaten by a bear. Who knows where that came from? He was told to “quit being so silly.” Fortunately his siblings are too young to be affected by that fear.

The tigers were especially noticeable. One paced endlessly, the other sat and growled. Both looked irritated by the visitors. As they stood looking, one roared loudly enough to frighten a little girl who screamed and vaulted into her mother’s arms. Trace noticed. They shared the zoo with a large school group for an hour or so, but when that group left they pretty much had the run of the place. So they went back through.

When they came to the tigers again one was lying near the fence so Mama started to call to it. “Here, kitty, kitty.” She made those clicking sounds that we think will call a horse closer to us or instruct it to get moving – which ever is appropriate. She made her kissing sounds – I never could do those without her help. Suddenly the tiger jumped up and charged the fence and let out a roar that I think they heard in Lubbock.

Mama jumped back screaming – I am sure they heard that in Lubbock. Trace ran screaming and Antonio just stared. When it was all over Mama was laughing so hard she needed a bathroom.

To add to the humor, Trace stomped his feet in angry protest for having been so frightened. Victoria missed the entire event as she was taking pictures of some other feature that had caught her eye. She witnessed only the screaming escape; but that and Trace’s mock tantrum at his own fear, were enough to cause her to need the bathroom also.

My boss came into my office and closed the door yesterday afternoon. He told me he would be leaving the company in the middle of June. He was taking a job with a company started by friends of his – former Conoco employees. They had offered him a great job, great pay, relocation to Houston and a sickeningly huge sign on bonus. His boss had stonewalled the move to Decatur, so he found another way out of Borger. Of course I am saddened by the turn of events, but I am happy for him.

I am thrilled that God is still in control. He is independent of mans council. He does not need any man’s permission. Only He can do what I need to have done in my life. I will miss this man being my boss in this job, but I still ultimately serve the same boss in life. There will be others more profoundly affected by this than I am.

Still, it is a disappointing turn of events.


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