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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Work, Mama’s schedule, the hogs, training this weekend

Chase has begun working two jobs. He was already hired on at Sears before we left. They held a spot open for him while we were on vacation. Since he has gotten back he has also been hired on at Best Buy. He is working the phone sales area – I think. He is coordinating hours between the two to see which works out best but he should be able to get close to forty hours per week between the two.

We have seen a lot of Makaila this week. She went to both services with us on Sunday and was over for dinner last night. I believe both she and Chase are working today so Mama will be on her own for the first time in weeks. Fortunately, Rosie is at home with her so she has some company. We are still without a washer and dryer so she may have to do some washing today. I am never quite sure of that schedule.

She will be going back to the farm on the 18th in order to help Victoria cover the feeding of the animals and the many other little things that need to be done on a daily basis at the farm. Grandma and Grandpa will be leaving on the 20th. The only caveat is that they may not be back for a month, depending on finances. I cannot spend that much time in Bowie because of my duties here, so it could be a period of some separation for us. We will wait and see. It is not like she is too far away.

She was on her own most of last night. After dinner I shaved, showered and went to bed. Chase and Makaila went out for ice cream and Mama baked cookies. I think I was in bed before 8 p.m. Not much romance there but I slept very poorly the night before. I think I may have gotten three hours of sleep. I guess I went to bed bailing hay, but I am not sure how to compensate other than playing catch up over the next several nights.

Grandpa is supposed to take the hogs to the butcher this morning. I did not hear anything about how he was progressing last night but I think we were pretty well ready with the trailer. Since it is makeshift I am a little worried about the whole exercise but Grandpa is not inclined to borrow anything he does not absolutely have to. Please pray it will go well. It is only about fifty miles to the drop off point. We are fairly confident the modifications we made to the trailer will hold them for that long.

I am making plans to get rid of the two older horses next month. That will leave us with only the filly – Misty. We have been offered another horse but have declined so far. Knowing Mama, we will have to get another horse so Misty will have company. I am looking for ways to simplify the farm demands and lower the expenses but I am struggling with the notion that, for some reason, our animals require their own pets. (Too many Disney movies.)

Mama and I are attending a Marriage Enrichment Seminar this weekend at our church. The church is struggling with what to call the seminar because Pastor wants the singles to attend also. After all, the more insight they have into marriage before they do marry, the better their chances of starting off right. I can understand the discomfort of the singles with the overall theme, but I do think it is a good idea for them to get involved.

I am supposed to take Mama out on a date Friday evening before going to the opening service at the church later that night. Classes and training sessions will continue all day Saturday and into Sunday.

I am looking forward to it.


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