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Monday, July 29, 2013

Back issues, difficult words, keeping the peace

I missed work on Friday. I could barely walk because my back was hurting so badly. I had been in some pain all day Thursday so Mama set me up an appointment for Friday afternoon. It was not until early Friday morning that I realized how bad a shape I was in. Fortunately, a steroid shot for the inflammation, a round of muscle relaxers and a bottle of pain pills (I have only used three so far) and I am almost back to normal; which is continual dull pain in the lower back. Rarely do both sides of my back spaz out at the same time, but this time they went together. All will be better soon.

In light of the pain I was in I did not get anything done on the apartment and it bothered me all weekend. I will see if I can do anything this evening when I get back home. There are plenty of little things that need to be done that I can attempt, but I will have to leave the more strenuous things alone for a few days more. I have help coming this weekend to get the kitchen cabinets assembled so it should really begin to take shape.

There is still a lot of sheetrock finishing to do before we are ready to texture and paint so I debated putting the cabinets in place but, as I explained to Mama, if we were doing a remodel we would not take the cabinets out to do the finish work unless we were replacing them. A little dust won’t hurt them. It just means a little more clean-up. Besides I need to measure for a countertop so we can investigate the cost of each route Mama is considering.

Since we were all feeling poorly Victoria decided to look up some movies on Netflix. One she stumbled across was about a father who had been absent for seven years suddenly returning to live with this two sons. It described one of the sons as recalcitrant while the other was obsequious. We had to look up the latter word – it means servile or fawning. But is reminded me of a conversation relayed to us by Cori.

One morning Grant and Mykenzie were trying to decide what the two of them could play together. One is all boy and the other is all girl. Grant offered to play with cars or “aminals” but Mykenzie was not interested at first. As they talked Mykenzie said, “Let’s go ahead and play the first thing you suggested.” Grants reply; “What does suggested mean?” “It means what we talked about before.” “Mykenzie, I don’t think you are big enough to use the word “suggested”. Obviously, we were not big enough to use the word obsequious.

When we were at Cori and Nate’s the kids discovered how much Dodger liked to chase lights. Blake has a little Toy Story gun that has a laser that illuminates wherever that gun is pointed. Dodger loved to chase it when it was shown on the large rug in Cori’s living room. Blake especially loved the game so Cori was not surprised when he shined the light on her face and challenged her to “get the light.”

We are discovering that our dogs do not like guineas. There was an episode last night where Dodger and the big dogs pinned down one of the young chickens and chased away the guineas from the coop as they were going in to roost for the night. Mama and I are not sure what the problem is but we will have to figure it out soon if we are going to keep the peace.

We have invested too much on the chickens and the guineas to watch them be picked off a third time.


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