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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Vacation prep, Mama’s concerns, Dodger, Jake

Mama is in full vacation prep mode now. While they were out at Victoria’s doctor’s appointment yesterday she asked if she could but snacks, drinks and cereal to take on the trip. This is the time I have to be very careful not to lose control of the spending because she can think up all kinds of stuff to take along.

She is also telling me what needs to be packed for the trip. As the list has grown over the past several days I asked her exactly what vehicle we were planning to take because I was having trouble envisioning how all the items were going to fit in the Flex – along with four people, two dogs and all the required paraphernalia. Somehow we will make it, but I will not know how much of a chore it will be until I get started Thursday evening.

Money has never been something Mama concerns herself with (totally my responsibility to worry over that) but she is worried about the big dogs. Mama is worried that leaving them alone at the farm for ten days will make them feel abandoned and neglected. I only hope they do not follow us down the road the way Sam did Friday evening as we were leaving for some errand or another. Victoria ended up having to walk back to the house in order to keep Sam on the farm while Mama, Jake and I continued on our way.

The next morning we were going to Trade Days and I had to chase Sam back to the house three times before he stayed. We know Wes is coming to the farm every evening to feed and water the animals, but Mama is still concerned that they will miss her too much. I offered to stay originally but she would not allow that – someone has to drive to Florida and back.

We are leaving early Friday morning and driving to Brittany and Andrew’s to spend the night. They are both anxious to show us around their new digs. If I understand it correctly, they have adopted an additional dog to Lucy. It should be an interesting evening with four dogs in the house. At Cori’s, if Brittany and Andrew come to visit, there will be five dogs in the mix. Oh. Joy!

 Dodger will be in turmoil over this entire trip since he is used to sleeping through the day and hunting all night. I am not sure how he is with this drastic a change in routine. On the positive side, he will not have as many burrs to remove from his coat daily for the duration of the trip. That will be pleasant for all involved in the routine de-burring process. Besides he will be great fun for the kids to play with.

Jake’s time with us got shortened. H will be returning to New Jersey on the 24th of July rather than the 4th of August. I suppose it is for the best. He got what he wanted – at least in part – and it gives his family a little more time to get him ready for the trip they have planned to Mexico on the 6th of August. We will get back from Florida on Monday the 22nd and he will be flying out two days later.

He will have had a busy summer by the time school starts again.


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