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Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Hard decisions, car issues, mowing issues

The big dogs are still with us. Mama is having a hard time coming to a decision concerning them. I am willing to go either way but we need to commit to one or the other; either we keep them or we do not. The latest stay of execution was triggered by the fact that Mama and I are going to be out of town most of next week and she did not want to leave Victoria any more isolated than necessary while we are away. I still have mixed feelings about it but I will go along with whatever is decided.

The ad to sell the car comes out in the Shopper today. Mama and Victoria have been working to clean the interior and they will take it to a car wash today and get the exterior looking clean. Where we live – on a gravel road – does little to help us keep a vehicle clean, but the effort will be a help to selling the car even if the effect is short lived.

I will have to cover a portion of the loan out of my own pocket but the bank has been gracious in helping us with that. In the long run we should come out ahead making the sacrifice early on but only time will tell. In order to get our finances back on the track I want them to be on it is a small setback overall.

Chase has called me several times lately. He and Makaila are buying a car for her.  Although I am not convinced it is the best idea, I have helped where I could. I suppose that if they are willing to make a four year financial commitment together they are really planning on making the matrimonial commitment as well. I have not heard back since late yesterday so I am not sure if they got the deal approved or what they actually decided on. I will know soon enough.

On the farm front, the little push mower we have been using (I am not sure where it came from) quit running the other day and I have not been able to get it started. It would not ordinarily be a problem but with the recent rains we have gotten the grass is getting pretty tall. Mama is fretting because we might have company coming over this weekend – helping with the apartment – and she wants things looking nice. I concur but I am not sure just what to do.

She has attempted to borrow a mover from our nearest neighbor but that has not worked out yet. Some of the cutting can be done with the brush hog but that will be limited by access. It is a rather large implement to be mowing lawns with. Some of it can be done with the weed eater but it is a bigger area than I would want to cover that way either. Besides, neither of those lawn tools leaves the yard looking like a mower does.

If I know Mama she will get it worked out somehow, but for now she is panicked.


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