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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Travel, traffic, Dodger, Brittany and Andrew, Jake

After packing on Thursday evening we only had to put in pillows, blankets  and other last minute items as we got up to leave on Friday morning. It was not very early. I think we were on the road by 5:30 which put us in Dallas as the morning rush hour was just getting in gear. It was not too bad but it turned out to be a harbinger of what was ahead for us.

We did not head south at Shreveport as we normally would have when traveling to see Cori, Nate and the kids, but instead kept heading east on I-20 on our way over to see Brittany and Andrew. They are in Columbus, Mississippi for his flight training. I do not remember the exact geographic location of the traffic we hit on the way over to them but we got snarled up in two very long traffic jams.

Each lasted for about an hour. So the trip to their home was lengthened to over twelve hours. Between the traffic jams and the longer stops required because Dodger, who was traveling with us, got almost panicked to get out of the car every time slowed down significantly we were on the road a lot longer than expected. He was in full “let me out” mode if we came to a full stop. So stops were longer and slightly more frequent on the journey.

Brittany and Andrew live on the air base north of town. It is a very nice facility –at least what little of it we were able to see. Brittany got Korean food from a local restaurant she and Andrew have found there. We had planned on going to the restaurant when we got there but we were so late in arriving that Brittany had to get the meals to go and we ate at their house on base.

The food was wonderful. I am sure they will miss that part of the amenities when they are relocated in a little over a year. Andrew is there for flight training and all the educational requirements that go with that assignment so it is not a long term assignment. While they are there, I am sure they will enjoy everything they can about the area and the base.

Brittany and Andrew gave their bed to Mama and me so we could try it out. Brittany is very happy with the bed and I think I disappointed her thoroughly by sleeping on the floor next to the bed. It was pretty soft and I do not do well on soft mattresses so I put a blanket on the floor and spent the night sleeping there. Mama and I both slept well and both of us really appreciated their generosity.

Brittany fixed us breakfast Saturday morning and we spent some time talking before we packed the car to head out. I was trying to be careful to gather all of Jake’s electronic belongings – since this was our first stop –and we did alright on that, but we ended up leaving his blanket and pillow on the couch where he had slept. You know how it is; I am packing, Mama is talking, Jake is talking, Brittany is talking, etc.

We were really in no hurry to leave since we expected to have only about six hours to get to Cori and Nate’s, so we took Jake to the PX the following morning and he bought presents for his family. He did not find anything for himself so he asked Andrew if he had any golf balls with the Air Force logo on them. Andrew did but we forgot to get one before we left that morning.

I am assuming it will be sent to New Jersey along with the blanket.


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