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Thursday, January 30, 2014

Health issues, backup plans

Maggie and Aaron made it back home yesterday. I think they are planning on seeing a doctor today to find out if they can get a diagnosis to the pain she has been experiencing the last few days. I know it cost Aaron a small fortune to go get her and the baby so I am praying that whatever is causing Maggie’s pain will not be a protracted health issue; that it is something fairly easy to overcome – physically and financially.

Mama almost did not go with me last night. Her eyes were better but she did not think they were recovered enough to let anyone else see her. As we got the animals fed and watered for the evening she began to feel better. I did not think she looked that bad but I have learned that my opinion does not outweigh her own in certain matters. By the time she showered and dressed she was feeling pretty good – although her eyes were still a little puffy and red.

She felt a little guilty since our pastor was at home hurting from a kidney stone. He is in a lot of pain and not getting much relief. He is scheduled for surgery to have his gall bladder removed on Monday. The two are unrelated events but the combination of the current pain and the anticipation of the future pain and recovery do not do much to lift ones spirits very high.

A man from the Rock of Ages Prison ministry preached last night. It was a good sermon about shutting some of the doors in our liver that we leave open for our pet sins to have access to our mind and life. Mama and I have seen him before when we were in Amarillo at Central Baptist Church. His ministry is with the prisons across Texas and the south. Both churches, here and in Amarillo are strong participants in that ministry.

I had a very poor night Tuesday night so I was dragging through part of the service. I thoroughly enjoyed the service and am glad Mama and I got to go together but I was happy to get home and into bed. Less than seven hours of sleep time was available to me but I think I used every minute of it. Hopefully I can get a little bit longer night tonight; or at least be less rushed getting to bed.

Mama is going to spend the day with a friend who is painting a mural in a nursery for a church in Sanger, TX. She was debating going until the friend called and asked for help. Her husband who runs the Boots and Badges ministry has been called to another appointment and was not going to be able to get her to the church so Mama is coming to the rescue.

It is something she wanted to do anyway but was holding off since money is pretty tight at the moment. The round trip is 150 miles or more and she did not want to spend gas on it if it was just for fun. Now there is a real purpose. The fun the two of them will have is coincidental.

Hopefully she will take a picture I can post of the work being done.


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