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Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Mama, travel, tightening the belt

Yesterday morning Mama sent me a selfie to show me how bad the rash around her eyes and nose had gotten. It was not a flattering picture. It was more of a mug shot. Based on that image I recommended a trip to the doctor so that she could get some advice on the nature of the rash and the potential cure. It was determined to be – as we had thought – a reaction to some new makeup Mama had tried on Sunday.

The ointment prescribed cost $85 but it seems to be doing the trick. That and Benadryl. Mama is happy to have access to the remedy but the Benadryl is definitely making her sleepy. She was ready for bed last night before 7 p.m. I think we were both in bed before 8 p.m. I do not have an excuse for my early bedtimes other than the lack of sleep eventually catches up to me.

Mama called in a panic as I was almost home yesterday. The stray that had taken up residence with us during the Christmas Holidays had just killed one of the chickens and the old Barred Rock rooster that had tried to come to the hen’s rescue. Nothing she did seemed to sidetrack the dog from his quarry and she was out of breath and hurting from the pursuit and intervention.

The hen was not dead but was wounded beyond healing. If we tried to house her with the other chickens, hoping for her recovery, they would have pecked her to death. I had to put her out of her misery. I also had to put the dog down. What a waste on all counts. It was not a good evening for Mama.

We had planned on killing the big rooster and several of the hens anyway, but our plans focused on puting them in the freezer rather than the dumpster. I suppose when we let the chickens roam freely we have to be willing to accept some loss, but it feels like this one could have been avoided if we had gotten rid of the stray as soon as there was the hint of trouble; lesson learned.

I have been assigned to be in Borger next week; at least Tuesday and Wednesday. A move of personnel from the Borger office to the Dumas office is planned for those two days and my boss would like me to be there to field questions and complaints. I had been making plans to go anyway but the dates were not set until yesterday. For the moment Mama is planning on going with me, but that is still a week away.

Mama and I are prepared for a very lean month this month. January is often the most difficult month of the year for us financially. Christmas and New Year’s festivities and gift giving make planning for the first of the year a little difficult. Mama and I were very conservative and budget conscience through the end of the year but I still was not able to set aside as much as I wanted to prepare for the increase in taxes and benefit costs that will start this month. It is once again time to tighten our belt financially.

We will make it, but the journey through the month will not be lavish.


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