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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Mama, change of plans, Maggie

Last night Mama and Victoria were to have gone to a ladies meeting at church but Mama was feeling too badly because of her eyes. When she got up yesterday morning they were worse than at any time in the past. I think it is the hay we are feeding the cattle that it causing the reaction, but we will not know that for several days. I have asked her to let me do the feeding in the evenings so she will not have to handle the hay for the remainder of the week. By that time we should know.

Since Victoria seemed very excited about the night at church Mama went ahead and prepared a dish for the meal and was just about ready to make herself go regardless of the swelling – just to encourage Victoria. That fell away pretty quickly after I got home. We ended up having a nice dinner with the taco meatloaf she had made. It all worked out since Victoria was more than an hour late getting off. They would not have made it to the meeting in time.

Weather-wise, if it got as cold as predicted overnight it was hard to tell this morning. When I went out to the truck there was a light frost on the windshield but the wind was very light. As I rolled through town the temperature displays were posting twenty two degree. That is far better than the twelve degrees predicted. I did not look at the thermometer on our window in the apartment to see what it was reading but I was relieved to not be chilled to the bone.

Maggie has been going through some problems while she is visiting friends in Washington State. She went to the ER yesterday with severe abdominal pain. After hours of waiting and several inconclusive tests, the hospital sent her home with the friend who has been entertaining her and the baby. She was not a happy camper.

Her friend wanted to send her home to recuperate with her husband – in her own house, her own bed, her familiar surroundings. That was not a welcome thought to Maggie. She was hurting and did not want to make the flight with the baby by herself. I do not know how long a flight it is but I do not think it is more than a couple hours in the air.

Regardless, what Mama and I heard last was that Aaron had booked a flight to go down and get her and help her and the baby back home. I am not sure how happy Maggie was with the arrangement but I know Aaron will be happy to have her and the baby safely home.

Knowing we were too late to go to the ladies meeting Victoria got a movie to watch. She rented the new Long Ranger movie. It was pretty good but it kept me up way too late.


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