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Saturday, July 24, 2010

Containment problems, going to Mama

Mama has stayed in good practice with keeping little ones but Grant, our grandson, challenged her abilities the other day. Mykenzie, the slightly older granddaughter is now out of diapers and happily going potty all by herself; with the understandable accident now and them. Grant, at only eighteen months, is still in diapers. The problem is that lately his diapers have not exactly been up to the challenge. His bowels have been a little loose lately and since at that age they exercise no restraint, everything comes out at full force.
Yesterday, Mama was alone with the two older grandkids when Grant had a serious containment problem. Now you have to understand how easy it is to make Mama gag. To put it mildly, it is very easy. And with the blowout going up the back and down both legs she had to make some quick decisions.
Should she put him in the sink to do the decontamination? Gracious! No! Cori would have a fit. Should she put him in the tub and give him a bath? No again. Too many chinks to squash down the drain; and again, his mommy would not approve – to put it kindly. The only acceptable solution for safely water washing the child was to strip him and hose him down.
Now all this time imagine Grant in Mama’s hands, not exactly being cuddled, looking over his shoulder (as he dangled a good distance from Mama’s body) trying to imagine what all the fuss was and where Grammy was taking him next. All the time Mama is trying not to throw up and add to his untidiness.
So outside they go to strip him down and hose him off. It was only when the unpleasant task was accomplished that Mama realized she had sprayed mud all over the back of the house. Well, it wasn’t “all over” but you get the picture.
After a proper bath she put the two grandchildren down for a nap and cleaned the back of the house, the high chair and the kitchen floor. She bagged everything in the trash which was immediately taken to the can outside the house. She still loves being “Grammy”.
Of course, I would have helped if only I had been there, but unfortunately I was stuck here.
I get to go get her tomorrow. I have been away from Mama for ten days and that’s at least eight too many. Seth, our nephew, and I will leave in the early morning and drive pretty much straight through. I am hoping to get there in time for the tropical storm they are expecting, but I fear I will be too late. I have heard there is phenomenal shell collecting after such a storm – I have always wanted to test that theory; minus the oil-coated ones.
At the very least I will start catching up on my kisses.


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