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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Readers teaching reading, Egg sandwich fight, more scared today

As I heard Jake (6 years old) reading to little Victoria (our 3 year old usual charge) at her naptime, it reminded me of the hundreds of times I have heard Mama reading to little ones as she calmed them down for sleep; beginning with our own so many years ago. I really miss hearing her voice infusing the characters and dialogue with such expression that the little ones would smile themselves to sleep after hearing the same book read to them for the hundredth time. Each time my wife would read it as though it was the first time, as though there was nothing that could possibly make her happier; and every child who heard it sensed that joy.
Several years ago she taught Jake to read and her constant reading to him woke within him a love of reading. As I listened I could clearly hear my wife’s inflections, pauses and intonations of the very familiar story he was now presenting to the littlest nap-taker in the home.
Later as Jake’s mom was there to pick him up he was not thrilled at the prospect of leaving and since Mama Kim was eating the egg sandwich I had made for her, Jake realized he was hungry and nothing in the usual offerings was appealing to him so Mama Kim made him a Nutella sandwich. While she was doing so, he took a bite of her egg sandwich. I had made it with a fried egg, Black Forest shaved Ham and Pepper Jack cheese. It tasted pretty good to him.
He began to take as big a bite as his little mouth would handle and since Mama had had no lunch and saw hers disappearing into Jake’s mouth, she tried to get the sandwich away from him. The fight was on – in a playful way with the two of them wrestling over a slimy hot sandwich the contents of which were oozing out from between two mushy pieces of wheat bread. It was bound not to last too long – can you imagine what it might have looked like? We all know how it ended. Jake got the rest of the sandwich and smiled all the way out the door. I made Mama another one and left for work. (Extra kisses for that one!)
I am waiting for feedback today and based on that information I will be able to make the decisions I need to make. I really am more scared today than I was yesterday. But the song keeps running through my head,
Little is much when God is in it,
Labor not for wealth or fame;
There’s a crown and you can win it,
If you’ll go in Jesus name!


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