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Thursday, July 8, 2010

Pool time, My favorite age to teach, Owning Information

Lately we have been hotter in the Northeast than my parents in South Texas. To compensate we have been spending time at the pool. It is funny to watch the kids run from the water to the shade of the table to get a drink out of our cooler. What makes it really funny is that they do not immediately realize how hot the pavement is until it dries their feet. It can almost be counted in steps; One, two, three, Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Pavement temperatures were over 104F.
They complex here is only beginning to water the dormant grass. Where it has been watered the grass is lush and deep green. Each green patch is completely surrounded by a sea of crunchy brown, dormant grass. It is inspiring to see just how quickly the dead looking grass responds to the slightest amount of life-infusing water. I only wish I could revive that quickly.
I was asked the other day what area, or what age group was my favorite age to teach. That’s an easy one – three, four and five-year-olds. It is so much fun to tell stories to that group because their imagination is so easy to stir. They can quickly feel the tone and direction of the story and allow themselves to be drawn along for the pure fun of listening and watching me tell it. Mama and I have been doing it for years and for both of us, it has never lost its magic. In their enthusiasm they give back to me a joy that cannot be found in any other thing.
With these little ones it is always best if you speak honestly and explain in the simplest terms so the message, as it is absorbed and processed, is accurate since the Lord sternly warned against misleading a little one. With that in mind it is necessary to completely own the information you are sharing with this age group. Speak what you know and know about that which you speak.
We sometimes think we can fake our way through, “They’re too little to know anyway.” But bear in mind they have a greater watch care afforded them that do you or me. That’s why I love the challenge. Children at this age are masters at asking some of the most piercing question ever asked of those they trust.


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