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Saturday, July 17, 2010

Missing Mama, Sharing Mama

I took Mama to the airport in Philadelphia at 3a.m. today. Her flight put her in Washington, DC at the same time I was getting back to the apartment. I still marvel at that. She was with the grandkids about the same time I was at soul winning at the church. I will make the drive to the same destination next week. It will take over twenty hours of actual driving time rather than about four hours of flight time. The depressing thing is that the driving trip will cost over double what it cost me to fly Mama down to Pensacola, FL.
Some things cannot be helped; like missing Mama. We will celebrate our twenty-eighth anniversary in August. At this point Mama and I can each say that we have been married for over half of our lives – and that to the same person. I cannot imagine being without her and it is a strain on each of us to be apart from each other. I was told that there is a point that two lives become inseparable for all practical purposes.
Though we are uniquely individual, we are also uniquely one. Infatuation, puppy love, schoolyard romance does not produce that kind of weaving of two loves together emotionally, psychologically and spiritually. It comes from constant, trusting surrender, unfailing commitment and tested and proven faithfulness to God and to each other. There is no substitute for her love in my life, for her place in my heart, for my need for her closeness. I would have it no other way.
Her report from the first day is that our grandson has fully adopted her as his Grammy. That’s actually big news because it has always been one of her constant fears that he would not love her as she hoped he might. Our granddaughter is no problem there. She really loves Grammy and on the way home from the airport she discovered yet another reason for that love.
Mama had not taken her daily herbs while in flight so she was taking them as they traveled home to Milton from Pensacola. She almost always has to eat something as soon as the capsules are swallowed so she broke out the veggie straws she had packaged for the trip. But that was not the best part. In her digging Mama pulled out the candy purse she keeps tucked in her “everything-but-the-kitchen-sink” purse.
This was something new to Mykenzie and after tasting a mint and one other piece of candy she asked, “What else you got in there, Grammy.” There really is no end to the wonderful things her Grammy can do.
So for now I will share – and whine just a little.


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