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Wednesday, August 8, 2012

30 years, Chase’s driving

I took the day off from work today to spend it with Mama since this is our 30th anniversary. I did not tell her about the day off until I got home from work yesterday. As I got home she and Victoria were packing the cooler and getting ready for VBS at our church in Decatur. She was so intent on what she was doing that, although she was happy I was taking the day off in the middle of the week, she did not realize the intent.

As she and Victoria were on their way to Decatur she called me to tell me it finally dawned on her why I had asked her what she wanted to do with the day. As it turned out, we did not have plans, which was a good thing since we have no money. I have spent the day finishing up the cabinet shelving, helping her with the feeding chores and taking her out to lunch.

This evening will be full since we are to arrive at the church with food for the bus drivers working the routes for VBS some time near 6 p.m. We have to meet Victoria at Wal-mart at 5:30 to pick her up and head out from there. It will be a very tight schedule when I think that we will have to be ready for our VBS duties and for church before we leave the farm.

After we went to lunch we went to Wal-mart to get some paint for the cabinets. I am not in favor of keeping the raw wood look since it does not fit the décor of the kitchen, although I do like the smell it gives the cabinets. Mama will have to do the painting another day. It is her anniversary, after all.

While we were feeding the chickens Mama took her focus off of Dodger and he began chasing the chickens with the intent of killing one. As I left her at the coop and went over to refill the horses water trough I told her to close up the chickens before she walked away to get water for them. Did she do it? No, and we spent the next several minutes in panic mode as we tried to intervene in the hunt.

No chickens were hurt in the afore mentioned exercise, but I cannot say the same for the dog. It took us over an hour to get our hands on him but when I did we had a pretty passionate talk. He left with a better understanding of the consequences of chicken hunting and I felt better at having put my two cents into the discussion. Will he do it again? Probably; if so, the consequences will escalate.

Chase just called me to tell me he was involved in another wreck. This time in Victoria’s car. He is pretty sure it is totaled. He is okay but he said his wrist is “jacked up”, whatever that might mean. He declined being carried to the hospital. We will have to see how this works out. To his credit, the car did have some issues with the brakes which we found out about only after the exchange had been made. Victoria failed to mention it to anyone.

 Perhaps someone will speak in his defense who witnessed the reckless driving (his explanation) of the person he rear ended.  But in Texas, a rear end collision is generally the fault of the driver who is in the rear. My insurance will definitely be adjusted. We are not sure how Victoria’s will be affected – she was the insured on her car.

That was our anniversary.


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