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Monday, August 13, 2012

Chase, Toi & Rain, construction for the move

Chase and Makaila came over on Friday evening to get the little truck so he could have transportation while in Amarillo. I am still trying to get things straightened out with the wrecker service and salvage yard on the Breeze. Chase made several calls but what he was told makes absolutely no sense so I have to follow up. I am hoping to get the correct information today and get the problem solved early this week. I will be in Amarillo tomorrow afternoon.

Chase has had no luck finding a roommate. Bo was not allowed to move out and Andrew Fie, who also goes to church with us at Central Baptist, is not receptive to the idea of sharing an apartment either. Chase and I are going to look at some other apartments this week while I am there but I think Mama will also want to be involved when she is there next week. We are still praying about the arrangement but seem to have no clear directive one way of the other from the Lord. Those are the situations where it is difficult to know exactly what is best.

We had a friend come over to the farm Saturday. He goes to church with us in Decatur. He and his family do horse rescue and he was going to Trade Days in Bowie on Saturday so he came by to look at Toi. He, like the horse breeders that were at the farm on Friday, said that Toi was not really in that bad a condition. They also agreed that if she was fattened up and doctored a bit that she could carry a foal.

We found the papers that show Toi’s registration and Mama called the breeder to give him the information since he had requested it when he was here last week. He seemed familiar with the bloodline and said he would do some research and see if he could find someone interested in taking her. It is hard for us to imagine her carrying a baby in the condition she is in and at her age. She is twenty three years old.

Rain is troubling Toi pretty thoroughly. She will not let the older horse near her especially is there is food to eat. It keeps Toi on the run unless there is a lot of open pasture. With the lack of rain over the past month, there is little out there to graze on so what we feed out morning and evening is pretty much all they get. We have been told by two horse people that Rain does look pregnant so we are inclined to keep her for the duration of the gestation period – just in case. Personally, I would like to see both of them go, but I am willing to wait.

Some severe storms blew through last night but we did not get a drop of rain. I am assuming the rain will hold off until we begin to pour the slab for the shop and apartment. With the end of September yet six weeks away (our targeted move out date) things look fairly hopeful, but time is going pretty fast and I am not sure if we will even have the shop shelled in by the end of next month. Somehow we will manage regardless of where we are in construction, but I am not holding out for the building and apartment to be complete.

So far we have not sold the log package. There have been several people interested but no takers. We offered the logs for a price or for trade for cattle. At this point I am more interested in getting cattle for them. Grandpa will be coming back with a baler so we will have hay to feed and October is the normal beginning of predictable rain in our area. Timing looks good for us to get cattle, but we will watch and wait.

It has been interesting to note that the horses will not eat the hay we got in West Virginia. They push it aside and wait for the hay we got off of our meadow here. We are a little hesitant to feed out the hay we will be cutting next because we have been told that Blister Beetles infect alfalfa grown in warmer climates and ingestion of infected hay will kill a horse. I am inclined to go with what the local horse breeders think rather than to attempt to prove them wrong and end up with a dead horse.

So far we have been blessed. The hay we scraped off of the meadow was harvested before the beetles swarmed the area.


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