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Friday, August 24, 2012

Safe returns for all, more travel, Chase

Mama and I arrived at the farm about an hour after Grandma and Grandpa. I was surprised to see only the baler on the trailer but after really looking, it is about all that would fit. The good news is that it is here. We can bale hay; such as it is.

Mama and I got there in time for me to set up our bed. I was done before 10 p.m. but I was a sweaty mess from the activity. It was really good to have our own bed to sleep in. Victoria helped me and Mama unload the couch and she and Mama rearranged the living room to accommodate the entertainment center we managed to squeeze in the little van. We are going to miss that vehicle when it goes home with Nate and Cori.

Mama and I were a little disappointed with the repair of the power steering pump. Even though it has been replaced Mama says it still groans. Not as badly as before but it still can be heard. Maybe Grandpa and I can flush the system and at least lessen the noise. After $400 worth of repairs, it is frustrating to still have to work on the system we thought was fully fixed. It should still work well for Cori and Nate. I am praying so.

As we were coming through Wichita Falls last night Mama called me to tell me that Victoria had just called to tell her the guineas were back. They were roosting in the cedar tree in the back yard of the farm house; right outside her bedroom window. She found them as Dodger chased them into the tree and at first report she thought there were only three. Last night she and Mama found that all four were there. They spent six days walk about. Only God knows if they will stay. I am praying they will.

I told Mama earlier that I was praying for them to come back. It was a “fun miracle” kind of prayer. One that God never really needed to answer but one that would be fun to tell about for years to come. In light of that answer to prayer, I am continuing to pray for the sale or trade of our log home package. It would be more significant than God bringing back the guineas, but it would not be nearly as miraculous.

Cori, Nate and the kids should be on their way this morning. I understand that Grant is disappointed we no longer have the range of animals we used to. When we reassigned the pigs from the farm yard to the freezer, Cori took the pictures of them off of Grant’s door. He noticed immediately. Even though the pigs are no longer among the living their memory lives on on his door. I hope he is not too disappointed by the stock we do have.

We may have to go to Dallas tonight to get Joshua. It will be like driving to Bowie from Amarillo in terms of time on the road, but it will be worth it. Mama and I have not heard from Joshua this week so we are not sure if he is coming. I am still not completely sure but we should know sometime today. It looks like another long night.

Chase and Makaila are planning to come over sometime later next week. Chase hates to miss the weekend in the electronics department. He says it is usually enough to make the whole work week worthwhile. He was groaning yesterday about a man wanting seven 60 inch TV’s for a business presentation he had to do. Sears had only five in stock so the buyer went to Wal-Mart instead. Later, a couple had him ring up an 80 inch with all the accessories only to tell him they would have to think about it some more.

The life of a salesman is fraught with such disappointments.


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