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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Travel mercies, salvation news, the storm, more travel mercies

Mama and I both got over to Amarillo safely yesterday – separately. She called me soon after I left the farm on my way to Amarillo to tell me how the Lord had spared her from a very bad accident. She nearly rear ended a truck that had stopped to make a left hand turn from the fast lane of the highway. She was going to pass a semi when she saw the stopped vehicle. Somehow she was able to make an emergency lane change and very narrowly avoid the collision. She was going 75 mph at the time. God is good!

I had her drive the little van to Amarillo so we could get the power steering pump replaced as well as have it to take some items back to Bowie when we return on Thursday. At least I will be going back on Thursday. She may wait until Friday. We thought it best with Nate and Cori coming over on Friday to get the van done at a shop rather than put the repair on Grandpa who will be getting home on either Wednesday or Thursday.

As we were sitting together last night Chase told us that Makaila got saved either last Sunday or the Sunday before. I did not get a clear date but the event is what is important. It is an answer to prayer. She said she remembers praying with her dad when she was very young but she was not sure if she really understood. She understands now and wanted to make that known.

Mrs. Chadwick is going to talk to her about baptism this week. We are still praying about her dress standards but that will come with growth in the Lord. We do know that in Central Baptist she will get a healthy dose of Christian growth and incredible training in prayer. Again, God is good!

While we sat and watched some recorded programming a storm blew in to Amarillo. It looked pretty dark as Mama and I went for a walk around the block but when the storm really hit the winds were impressive. Limbs began to break and fall as the rain slammed the city. The road in front of our house looked like a river. It was at least eight inches deep. I regretted parking the truck at the curb. Chase took some pictures and videos in the waning part of the storm. I am not sure if he will post them but the event was impressive. I am guessing that two inches fell on us in less than half an hour.

Grandpa and Grandma are getting ready to leave West Virginia this week. I have not heard if it is to be today or tomorrow but it should be this week. Both of them are dreading the trip back. Grandpa is dreading hauling the loaded trailer and the risk it represents – as well as the fuel cost it requires. But it is filled with things we desperately need at the farm. Grandma is dreading the time in the vehicle. She does not have the expectation on fun events she had on the trip over. Pray for their safety in transit.

I am not entirely sure at this point what is coming back with him other than a baler. I am not sure how he loaded that on the trailer but I know there was a plan in place to get it done. I do know that he was finally able to recover many items he had in storage there. Those items, many of them are electrical parts, will be put to use in the shop and the house. Hopefully we will at least be able to use the help we have coming to bale hay – although we have no good place to store it yet.

I am quickly running short on time to get things done to prepare the shop for a work crew. Mama is insisting that we have it ready (concrete poured and the building totally enclosed) to house all of our things when we empty the house in Amarillo. I am beginning to sense that I will not have the time to get that far in the construction project – even if I had the money to hire all the work out. Oh, well. Storage is plentiful in several rental places in Bowie.

The idea does not appeal to Mama.


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