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Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Getting the word out, Chase in sales, Grants pants, distracted Mama, Joshua

Today I will begin to let people know about my move to the Decatur office. I will meet with my boss and the person I am replacing and hash out some of the details about how we are going to make it happen. I have held off letting my group know until there was a little more directive from my boss but it looks like the time has finally come. With the flurry of activities this week, it will just be one of many things happening in this office.

As Mama and I dove home from Costso last night she told me she is warming up to the idea. After the initial disappointing realization that we were not going to Australia, she is seeing the benefits of remaining in Texas and moving to the farm. I am in the process of getting addresses updated with banks, credit card companies, city, county, state and federal agencies. Licenses have to be changed, voter registrations updated and a host of other little details, not the least of which may include new phone numbers. Relocating within the US is difficult. Relocating internationally is overwhelming. For the moment we will stick with the difficult task at hand.

Chase was pleased with himself yesterday due to a very high volume of sales. I think he made over $100 in commissions for the day. That is impressive. I told him that sales suit him. I do not have that talent nor am I ever likely to develop it, but it seems to work for him. He and Bo are still pursuing an apartment but I get the distinct impression that it is more of an effort on his part than that of Bo but I am not there so my opinion is strictly speculation. It will work as long as someone is driving the effort.

Cori called the other day to tell me that as she was helping Grant change for the day she found he had his underwear on inside out and backwards. I thought that idea was unique to me when I lived alone and wanted to extend the time between laundry runs. It may be that is more an attribute of the male psyche than I had originally realized.

For Blake’s birthday they bought him his first vehicle. I have not seen it yet but I am told that it is one of the powered models with the accelerator on the handlebars. Mama was telling me about what she imagined would be going through the head of one that small as bedtime came around; that they would be worried that the newest object of their affection would somehow disappear during the dark hours of the night. I gather from that that he really, really likes the little vehicle.

With Mama it is hard for me to tell if the stories are directly related. She skipped from one item of conversation to another as we drove last night. I do not know if I was more tired than she was or if it was a function of being distracted by diving, but I was having trouble following some of the conversation. We were about an hour away from the farm when she suddenly realized that she had left the chicken coop door open. She called Victoria to let her know not to let Dodger out until that was closed. Then she realized she had left Toi and Misty corralled all day in the calf lot.

She was trying to feed them separately from Rain – who is a rather piggish horse. Then she got busy with canning salsa and forgot the animals. When I got home from work and asked about going to Costco everything else was put on extended hold - until she remembered. (There were no animals hurt in this senior moment.) When we got home she discovered she had left the pan of cooked hamburger on the stovetop. Thankfully she had remembered to turn the burner off before we left.

Joshua talked to us last night and it is safe to say at this point that he will not be the target of identity theft. He has an outstanding warrant for a seriously overdue library book. I kid you not. Because of this he cannot get his drivers license reinstated. Once that got in the system as being addressed properly, the unpaid ticket in Louisiana showed up again. Mama and I thought that had been taken care of long ago, but it is still an outstanding issue. Please pray for him to get both of these resolved quickly so he can get a job and start moving forward with his life.

It is always the little things that pester us the most in this life.


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