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Friday, January 18, 2013

Job news, farm news, Victoria

Yesterday was an interesting day. I was told earlier this week, as I discussed the Licensing job with my boss, about another person in our area who was interviewing for the position also so I called that person yesterday morning. We talked for about an hour about the interview and his general impressions of the process and the people he met. He is more interested in relocating for a term of years, so his focus is a little different. It was an encouraging conversation for both of us and should both of us actually get the job, we will at least have a familiar face in the group.

I have waited this entire week without word but I have used the time to get the answers prepared for the formal part of the interview. I have also learned some of the very specific needs of the group; where they are having problems at the moment, what specific skills I have that I need to highlight for them to address those problems, and what mobility concerns they have for the candidates they are currently seeking. Hopefully, I will be well prepared when they do call.

When I got home last night and looked through the mail I opened a letter from an oil and gas exploration company in which they were offering to lease the mineral rights on a portion of the farm. Our immediate reaction is to discount the offer but I am going to have the Right of Way people at the office look it over and tell me if it is legitimate. I would also like to know if my company would be interested in the lease – if it would not be a conflict of interest. It is something I have been praying about but I am not sure it the answer to that prayer.

One of the problems with buying rural land in Texas is that the mineral rights are rarely available for purchase with the land. It does not seem like a big deal until a drilling rig is set up in your back yard and there is nothing you as the surface land owner can do about it. You end up with all the headache of trucks and noise without getting any of the benefits of royalties associated with a producing well. I am relieved that at least a portion of the mineral rights are ours to control; even if it is only 30% of the total. I can tie the rest of the property up by putting up little structures for the cattle.

The vet is coming today. He will have ten little bulls to steer. I feel sorry for the little ones but it is the natural course of events for them. The last batch healed up pretty quickly without the hint of problems. But the last batch did not have the sickness issues that we have had with this group. I have no idea what the vet will charge this time. Last time we got off pretty cheaply because we were there to help. We will wait to see the bill after it is generated.

The three new arrivals are nice looking calves. The one is as big as we were told. He stands as tall as the two month olds in the lot we are putting through emasculation today. Grandpa will have to keep him separate since it will be hard to tell him apart form the more advanced group due to his size. When they are that big it is difficult to remember that he is only a few days old. Mama could not think of a name for him but I am sure Victoria will take care of that today.

Speaking of Vitoria, she will be flying out tomorrow. Mama and I are planning on leaving the farm at 4:40 am. I do not remember the time of Victoria’s flight but I do remember my travel instructions. It will be the first time we will be going to DFW Airport. I am a little nervous about the trip but I realize, if I get the licensing job we will be making the same trip many multiples of times in the coming months and years.

It will be good practice for us.


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