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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Trouble starting, bigger than expected, getting hot

I really did not want to get to work in the apartment last night but if I don’t do it, it will not get done – literally. I did get to work eventually but I dragged around for about an hour before I got started. I took Mama down the road just past Montague where I had seen a small boulder laying in the ditch. We wanted to see if it was small enough that I could lift it into the truck and take it home for her rock garden.

When we got a closer look it was bigger than I had expected. I knew I could not lift it by myself and even if Mama was in top shape, which she is not due to her knee surgery, the two of us could not have lifted it. She did find a stone to take home during the expedition so it was not a wasted trip. After we got back we drove down to the big pond to see the water level. It is looking better and better.

When I did get into the apartment to work I was drenched pretty quickly. I told Mama I was washing the apartment floor one drop at a time. I finally finished the insulation throughout the apartment and laundry room. I took time to caulk the windows so we should not have any rain find its way into the apartment; although that will have to be tested and proved in the next downpour.

I will be taking Friday off so I can work on the apartment. If I counted correctly last night I will need an additional fifteen sheets of sheetrock to complete the walls and ceiling. Mama asked me why I was so far off in my estimation. I told her I bought what I could with the money available at the time I made the purchase and I knew I would be short on sheetrock, I just did not know how much.

If I can get as far as I am hoping I should be able to get started on the kitchen cabinets next week. I am still waiting on the gas line to be run but I should have that complete by mid-week. Right now I can get started on one wall in the kitchen. That will help us determine where we can set the sink and how large a sink I can put in the kitchen. Mama and I were talking about it last night and she is very excited about getting things done.

Mama and Victoria are planning on taking the big dogs to get them shorn at a local groomer. I am less optimistic about the process than either of them seem to be. I cannot imagine it being an easy matter to just get the dogs into a vehicle much less get them to stand still for their hair to be cut off, but we will see. I know it will help them. Right now they are digging caverns in the yard in every shady place trying to find relief – and it is not really hot yet. If we do not do something soon, I will have to order dirt to backfill their excavations.

Maggie called last night after I had come in and cleaned up. She was hot and there is no air conditioning in the apartment where they live. I assume there are not many air conditioned homes in the area. The temperature was seventy four degrees. Mama told her when we get to that temperature we will open up all the windows and turn off the a/c.

It is all a matter of perspective.


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