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Friday, August 28, 2020

Keeping track, a shift right, home businesses

It is finally Friday. Not that it matters all that much as I work from home. Sometimes it is difficult to keep track of the days of the week as I am working from home, but the weekend is always a pleasant prize at the end of each week. I have to concentrated on Wednesday’s, but every other day seems to melt into a blur. I do feel that we will be going back into the office soon. The hype cannot last much longer and there will be diminishing justification to keep everyone working from home – unless the company decides it is a best work practice. That can easily happen. It is hard to tell how much money the company is saving with the entire office staff working remotely.

I am starting to see clear evidence that the attitude of subservience toward the virus impositions are shifting right. More and more there is opposition to the harsh mandates being imposed. Many of which are unnecessary. Now even the CDC is eliminating the recommendations for quarantine restrictions when returning from traveling abroad and mask use in everyday settings. When I see people driving their cars with their mask on, I have to ask, “What are you thinking?” The CDC is now recommending that widespread testing be stopped and only those with symptoms be tested. That makes sense. When have we ever tested random asymptomatic people for the flu, or pneumonia?

There is a definite momentum away from the fear mongering of the liberal left, but it has not taken hold on everyday Americans yet. Especially those who consider themselves to be justice warriors and mask police. As that little piece of intimidation and over-exuberant assumed authority vanishes, there will be a lot of unhappy people wallowing in the harsh reality of life as we live it while exercising our freedom to choose our own protective measures. If every one of these mask enforcers always drove the speed limit and no more, paid very dime of the taxes they were owed and never once took anything that did not belong to them, I would respect their views, but based on human nature, I can strongly assume that is not the case. They will fudge if not outright break the laws they choose to ignore while imposing their self-righteous will on those “violating” the laws they support. Fortunately, we are almost out of this dark place in our country.

Mama and Victoria are certainly putting a lot of effort into their little businesses. I do not think they are getting much response right now. Everyone seems to be struggling as school has started and parents are trying to get back to work – or adjusting to home schooling, which I by far the best alternative. I was reading an article about a mom in Kentucky that was given a letter/form to sign and return to the school stating that she would not “listen in” on the lessons being given to her children as they were taught remotely. I am not sure why that would be a problem unless the content of those lessons were questionable to a responsible, reasonable adult. Very curious.

Anyway, back to the businesses. I believe there is some little increase in responses of late – after a very long dry spell. Mama and Victoria seem to be slightly more encouraged as they slog through the lack of response to their posts and lack of participation in their nightly games related to the business. Pray for them to have the patience and perseverance to make this business work for them. I am encouraging Mama to hang in with Color Street because I am impressed by their organization and their business model. Plus, they have a very generous payout schedule; better than I see in most online multilevel marketing businesses. I think of this dry spell as a respite during which they can sharpen their skills to be ready when things mover much more quickly.

I have few small projects lined up this weekend. Nothing big. We are forecast to have some brutally hot temperatures today and tomorrow. Over that past couple evenings I have worked to get a pig enclosure ready and I was able to complete that project last night…whether we are able to get pigs right now or not. From my perspective, it is helpful to see things completed as I use items from various piles of scrap around the farm. I will contact our neighbor this weekend and see if I can buy a couple pieces of drilling pipe he has stocked on his property to use for the large pig area I am rebuilding from the area we used before for pigs. I tore that fencing down because we had to rely on pallets to reinforce the enclosure when the pigs got larger. Very unsightly. Once that is complete, we will have a really good set up for a bred sow. Mama has wanted that for a long time. I may finally be able to give that to her.

Lord only knows what we are going to do when we have a litter of twelve pigs to get rid of.


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