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Monday, August 10, 2020

Rough weekend, Mama, Maggie’s move

Saturday was a struggle for me. I managed to get a couple things done other than feeding and watering, but not much. Mama and Victoria made it home later that evening. By then I was spent. They had a wonderful visit with Brittany and the girls. Sunday was an entirely different story. A soon as I was up, I realized something was not right. I was not sure what, but I did not seem to be able to function properly. After I helped Mama do the morning feeding, I had to lay down. I slept until 2 pm. When I took my blood pressure that afternoon it was 100/60. It seemed like a chore to get from one area of the house to another. I missed both services. I missed most of the day. I slept most of the afternoon and all last night.

Unfortunately, I do not feel much better this morning, but my blood pressure is approaching normal. Mama, Victoria, and I think my episode yesterday was brought on by one of the two blood pressure meds I am taking. That is sheer speculation on our parts because I have been taking that med for months now without the issues I had yesterday. I discontinued that medication today so we will be able to see if that makes a difference in my energy levels and my blood pressure. I have today and tomorrow to heal up in order to teach a face-to-face class Wednesday. Should I not recover sufficiently be then, we will have to scrounge to find a replacement instructor for that class. Friday is my pre-op work at the hospital and next Tuesday is the heart cath. After that we should have a more insightful diagnosis as to my current malaise. I hate feeling useless, so I helped Mama with the feeding this morning. Maybe I should not have.

Mama has a lot on her plate over the next few weeks. We are getting ready for the September birthday bash we are planning.  Most of the pressing issues deal with getting the house ready for visitors. Sadly, I may not be much help to her for a few days. I seem to be on an increasingly declining slope with my heart condition. If that is the root cause of why I feel the way I do. I told Mama the other night that my biggest fear is that we will come out of the procedure and be told that it is bad, but not bad enough to do anything about yet – like I was told about both my back and my colon. I do not expect that kind of report, but I have been disappointed before.

Back to Mama, with the first week of August being her best week ever, she is excited to see how she can keep that momentum going. (Meanwhile, I am anxious to see if I can get any momentum going.) She has a good bit of follow-up planned today as well as planning several live broadcasts. Her and Victoria’s time with Brittany encouraged her to really get her business growing. She would like to have the money to do more for her children and grandchildren. Her groups are growing larger by the week and she has been able to make great contacts in several new areas of the United States. The missionary wife in Mexico that is helping her with a party among her friends in Mexico and the United stated has been a real inspiration to Mama. It is fun to see Mama grow in this area of her life.

Maggie and Aaron spent the weekend exploring their new home. They are liking it so far. They attended their first service at a church in their town. I think they liked it as well. But this morning, Maggie found out that their belongings will not get there today. Needless to say, she was upset – especially about not having her bed. From what I could gather from the conversation she and Mama were having, the movers were being pretty vague about here their stuff might be. That can be troubling, but there are not many times movers lose all the items the are transporting. When we relocated to Amarillo from New Jersey, the movers had to write me a check for about $4000 to reimburse me for items not accounted for upon delivery. Like Maggie and Aaron, not much of our stuff was worth stealing – even though it was valuable to us. We are praying that the movers will get their act together and get their belongings to them soon. Perhaps today or tomorrow. God is certainly willing and able. Sometimes He just decides to check out our faith by not meeting our expectations or our preferred timetable. Far too often we murmur more quickly and more loudly than we pray.

Even with my current issues, I have better health than a lot of others. I am just waiting to see if the condition can be improved – or if will be with me until the Lord calls me home. 


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