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Friday, March 28, 2014

A good visit, hurrying, chores ahead

Mama had a good visit with her friend. It was so good in fact that she had not even left her house by the time she was supposed to be meeting me in Bowie. I was not surprised at the delay. She did make it home before we had to pick up Victoria – at 7:30.

We left the farm to go to Walmart to pick up Victoria after a brief look at the chicken coop – for gathering eggs and filling water dispensers. Mama had a list of food items to get so she could prepare the meal for RU tonight. It was not a long list but it did take longer than I had expected. Victoria was well past ready to go home by the time we checked out.

She was doubly anxious because she had rented a copy of the new Thor movie and was anxious to get started watching it. I knew it was going to be way too late for me to participate so I was not as concerned about rushing around. It was delayed anyway because Victoria wanted to go to Subway for dinner. That took an additional fifteen minutes. It was past 8:30 before we got home. I went to close up the chicken coop while Mama unloaded the groceries and Victoria loaded the movie.

While Mama was with Kim Cantrell she found out that a neighbor, the son of the owner of the property the Cantrell’s are purchasing, has recently set up a mill to cut and finish cedar wood – both aromatic and western cedar. She brought home some scraps which turned out to be much larger than I had anticipated. Mama and I will use them on the garden fence by the apartment. Now I will not have to travel as far as I thought to get the cedar I need for future projects.

I hope to complete the fence around Mama’s special garden this weekend. We will plant the flowers and bulbs she bought for that purpose after the area is secured by the fence. I think it will come out pretty nice. It will give Mama an immediate view of something colorful as soon as she opens the bedroom curtains every morning.

We are planning on working in the vegetable garden this weekend also. I will stop on the way home to get some seed potatoes from the feed store we frequent. They are now on sale so I feel a little better about paying the reduced price – which is still pretty high. If we do not get them in the ground soon we will have to use a lot more water to get the crop to maturity.

Victoria has to work this Saturday so I will have to muck the stalls in the calf barn by myself – with Mama operating the tractor. It should not be too bad since we have been keeping up with it pretty regularly, but it will have to be done before we get to the garden. There is a remote chance of thunder storms for this afternoon. That would cause us to rework the schedule a bit but we will happily accommodate the rain.

So far, we love rain delays.


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