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Friday, March 7, 2014

Vehicle news, grandchildren, shopping

It was nice to spend the evening at home last night. It is the first such evening since last Saturday. I did not get much of anything extra done, but rather took the time to relax for a few minutes. Mama and I watched an episode of NCIS and I read a few chapters in the third book of a series I am finishing up – slowly.

Mama went to look at a particular truck yesterday but we were not impressed enough to seriously consider buying it. Right now, trucks, especially used trucks, are commanding a very high price; almost ridiculously high. Although this truck offered almost all of what we needed, it lacked some amenities that we are looking for. After all, vinyl seats are not at all appealing.

Having done that, Mama took the Flex to the mechanic. She used the truck to putt around town and meet Victoria for lunch. While she was shopping in town the mechanic called and told her that there was nothing wrong with the car that new tires would not cure; no additional repairs are required at this time. That was very good news.

Next week when Mama and I go to Houston, we will probably take Victoria’s car so we can wait another week on buying the tires for the Flex. If we do trade it off I do not want to have spent almost $1000 for new tires only to lose that money in the trade. Mama and I are still debating the merits of a diesel vs. a gas engine and it is difficult to look far enough down the road to see if we would need the diesel engine enough to pay the difference in both initial purchase price and the long term fuel costs.

From the pictures and texts Maggie is sending out it seems she and Aaron are starting to really enjoy Catherin. Now that the first several months are under her belt, Maggie and baby are starting to get to know each other. To me, that is the most special time; when mama and baby understand each other’s needs and begin to communicate to each other with less urgency than is generally present in the first several weeks after birth. It is not unexpected. It is not uncommon. It is always delightful to witness.

Cori has shared several fun things with Mama lately. She took a short video of her trying to get the kids to speak pig Latin. That was hilarious. She also shared Mykenzie’s newest work – awkward. After chasing Blake around the house on morning trying to examine a pen mark he had on his face Cori called a time out for lunch. Mykenzie pointed out the mark to her mommy who did not seem nearly concerned enough. “It’s alright,” mommy explained. “It is just a little mark. Blake will be fine.” Upon which Mykenzie responded indignantly, “I just wanted to help. I mean, this is really awkward.”

Trade Day’s is tomorrow and both Mama and Victoria have money to spend. Both of them are excited about the event. I have money too but all I am looking for is a pitch fork of a certain design. After Trade Day’s they are planning a shopping trip somewhere – they offered so many options that I quit registering the conversation.

I am planning on staying at the farm.


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