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Thursday, March 20, 2014

Hurrying around, guardians, gardening

This has been a hurried week. For the second time this week Mama and I did not even have time to eat dinner after I got home from work before we had to leave for some appointment. Last night it was church. The night before it was to get the dog to the vet. On Monday night it was to drop off Victoria’s car for service (we ate after we got back home). I am unsure if we have anything pressing tonight. It has been very busy of late. Sometimes just the hurrying is harrowing.

Mama and Victoria are picking up Samson from the vet this morning before Victoria has to go to work. She found out late yesterday that the total bill for his nurturing is $418. That is almost triple what I had planned for based on the price of the surgery. Mama was not happy with the total but I warned her to be careful in how she deals with her shock because this vet and his office staff have been very good to us. Those are the kind of relationships we need to nurture especially with living on the farm as a long-term goal.

Sasha has been moping around the farm for the past two days. Mama is convinced she misses Sam and I can go along with that assessment - reluctantly. It is a lonely vigil through the night and the two of them keep each other stirred up and active the whole night long. Mama was convinced early on – when we just bought the pups – that there needed to be two of them. I suppose it has worked out well to have them both at the farm, but it has been expensive to maintain.

I am planning on taking tomorrow off. There are a lot of little things that I need to get done at the farm, besides, I really need the break from the office. I am hoping Mama will let me use her new mower – even though I bent it the first night we had it on the farm. If not there are plenty of other implements I can use – not the least of which is the tiller.

We really need to get started on a garden. I have wanted to plant potatoes and onions for weeks now. It is a good thing I have failed in that effort because we have gotten some late freezes in the past several nights. It is one of those times of year that the weather changes are drastic.

Last week we had one day of 86®F followed by a light freeze that night. The next several days were in the mid-sixties; overcast and dreary feeling even thought there was no rain. This weekend is going to follow the same pattern; Friday and Saturday highs in the mid-seventies with nights just above freezing followed by highs in the mid-fifties for Sunday and Monday. It will be windy regardless of the ambient temperature.

Mama is looking forward to me being off – and being at the farm. Some of it has to do with the fact that we like each other’s company but part of it is because we have a lot of cooking to do for our RU meeting tomorrow night. We enjoy doing that together.

Regardless we will enjoy the day to the best of our abilities.


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