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Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Church services, travel issues

The last few days have been rushed because of the revival services we are having through tomorrow night but we have managed to get everything necessary done and still made it to church early. All the services have been good and last night was no exception. Meetings of this type are always tiring but they are rewarding.

I was delayed a couple hours getting to work yesterday because of the icy roads but I left the office at the same time as usual since it was going to be a short evening at home before leaving for church. By the time the afternoon rolled around the roads were clear even though the ambient temperature never got above freezing. It is at times like these that I wish we were closer to the church but that seems a brief and fleeting thought. Perhaps God will see to that in the future but for the moment we have no unction to sell the farm in order to get closer.

I remember many such times while we lived on the farm in West Virginia. It was a shorter distance to Ripley than it currently is for us to travel to Decatur but the time it took was almost the same. We did that for almost ten years – and loved almost every day of it. Like the sunset picture enclosed, there are moments that are worth all the little issues we face form time to time.

I have always lived a pretty good drive away from work and generally lived a good distance from church and we have always made the best of it. The current distance gives Mama a chance to put on her makeup as we make the drive to church. She likes the natural light.

I had planned on taking the little truck this morning but as I drove it down Hwy 59 towards Bowie I could tell that something was not quite right. I turned around and went back to the farm to get the car. Mama will be disappointed when she sees that the car is gone but I did not have much of a choice. She had a good deal of running planned for today and I have taken the best mode of transportation for her to get those things done. Oh well, we will work something out.

I really need to start praying about another work vehicle. Grandpa has advised that I not do anything costly to the little truck and he is right in thinking so. It is a ’94 model Ranger after all, but I will miss it.

Now the quest begins to find an acceptable substitute that has the same monthly payment - $0.00.


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