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Monday, March 31, 2014

Planting, shopping, doctor visit

Saturday was a busy day. Mama and I were up early and out early. We got the trailer hooked to the truck and went to Nocona Building Center to get the lumber to finish the fence for the little garden. I was also able to buy the roofing I need to finish the porch roof on the apartment. Unfortunately, I was not able to work on either of those projects.

When we got back and dropped off the trailer I loaded up the truck with two hot water heaters and an old dishwasher to take to the salvage yard in Bowie. We got almost $20 for the three items but more importantly we got rid of them before they became an eye sore or a point of contention.

Then we were off to Walmart to pick up some fruit trees to plant in the little orchard we are starting – again. We bought two semi-dwarf peach trees and two blueberry plants. When we got home Mama went to lie down. She was not feeling very rested from the night before and needed her afternoon nap.

I planted the peach and blueberry plants while she slept. I also went to the front of the farm and dug up several wild plum trees so I could transplant them close to the house where we could tend to them a little more carefully.

As I was digging them up it dawned on me that they might not be the trees I was expecting them to be so some time this summer I will have the evidence I need to either keep or uproot them. We will know them by their fruit. It is a well-established Biblical principal. I did not want to wait until this fall to transplant them because they are just the right size now. Oh, well was only an hour of my time to get the work done.

Sunday we went to Costco between services. Victoria was not feeling well but she came along anyway. We ate at Chipotle for lunch then spent a little over an hour at Costco. The only problem is that we always spend too much money when we go there. Granted, we did not buy anything we did not actually need – other than the Danishes – but things add up fast at $10-20 per item. I had budgeted for most of it so it was not too alarming.

Victoria will go to the doctor today after she and Mama meet one of the ladies of the church for a guided tour of nearby Justin, TX. There are multiple boot shops in the town that is known for its boot factory. Mama had been wanting to go for some time so they finally worked it out for tomorrow.

Victoria is still getting some drainage from her ears as well as some knots around her right ear. Mama and she will go to the ENT doctor sometime today. This will make the third trip for the same problem. Each past visit has been treated as though there was nothing remarkable even though Victoria is still very uncomfortable. We are hoping to get some answers this time. We will see.

They will have Mama to deal with if the doctor is nonchalant this time.


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