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Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Safe arrival, grazing meat, no go for now, waiting

Grandma and Grandpa made it in last night – safe and sound. They got to the farm before I did. I did not get the chance to swap howdys with them last night because I did not get home until about 8:30. I had to attend a dinner given in honor of my current boss as a going away dinner. As such dinners go, it was a pretty painless event but it did go quite late.

Mama said Grandma was glad to be at the farm but I think she was really glad to be out of the truck after two days on the road. She and Grandpa had a good trip to here from West Virginia but it is always a long trip – no matter what route you take. Grandpa will get to look over the farm this morning for the first time in more than a year. I am anxious to hear what he thinks of Baby Huey – our 14 month old Holstein steer. I am also curious how they will feel about our miniature swine roaming the grounds.

I saw an article online the other day about the tallest cow in the world. She stood six feet and several inches at the shoulder. I knew before I saw the pictures that it would be a Holstein. Baby Huey is not quite that tall but I can barely see over his back when I am standing next to him.

Mama is getting a little apprehensive about his intended purpose on our farm but like Grandpa has always maintained, on a farm you can at least eat your mistakes. Daisy, on the other hand, will be with us for the rest of her natural life if Mama has anything to say about it. I offered her the compromise of keeping her through four calves then getting her ready for the table. That did not go over well. (I just wish we could eventually eat the horses. I’m stuck with them forever.)

We do not know how long Grandma and Grandpa will be with us this time but I get the impression they are not as comfortable living with Norman as they were a year ago – especially as he pursues his romantic connection to a young lady I the Ukraine. When I think about that situation all I can say is I am glad I have Mama.

I did submit an application to Rita’s yesterday. Mama, Victoria and I have been talking about starting a Rita’s in Denton and with the sale of the farm it looked doable. However, after I got a response from the lady at the corporate headquarters I am less convinced that we will qualify financially. I do not have the minimum required amount of cash available to meet their entry point. We are close; just not totally there. I will talk to her today and see if I am reading the information correctly. If I am, we will have to look elsewhere for a business opportunity.

Still no word on the Brushy Creek property.


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