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Thursday, October 9, 2014

Where is home? Grandma Kline’s Birthday, work

Some years back, I remember hearing an interview with a Christian author who was quite popular at that time. I did not get much out of the interview but there was one thought that has stayed with me for many years. The author described the Christian life as a long, slow burn rather than a flash of fire and light. There are times, he said, that we are moved by God in mighty ways and accomplish great things in a short amount of time but those times are not the norm. Much of the Christian life is spent in patient obedience, faithful service and daily devotion; awaiting those times that God will need us to be ready for His desired purpose.

Mama and I are in one of those times of patient obedience. We know God is moving in our lives but it is a knowing of faith and not of sight. We have the rare opportunity to take our time looking for the place God has for us as we live in the place we have already sold. We know the Lord worked that out for our good and His glory. But we are having trouble finding a place we feel a peace about buying.

We are constantly reassured by the new owner of our farm that he wants us to make absolutely certain and have perfect peace about the place we buy. There is no urgency on his part to take possession of the farm and we are acting as caretakers in his absence. But as the holiday season approaches Mama really wants to have the question answered; where is home now? The final answer to that question is Heaven; but, not yet. Pray for us as we continue the search.

This Saturday we are going to Chappell Hill to attend a birthday party my sister Sarah has put together to celebrate Grandma Kline’s 85th birthday. We have never been a family that made much of birthdays but this one seem special – especially after the open heart surgery Mom had a couple years ago. It will be a day trip for me, Mama and Victoria. I thing we are about five hours from Chappell Hill so there will be a good amount of time on the road but I think it will be worth the effort.

Work has tied me up pretty thoroughly lately. I even had to deal with a couple issues here in Decatur as I was with Maggie and Aaron and the baby in Alaska. But the past few days have been pretty overwhelming. We have had one setback after another in getting services to the new building we are getting ready for occupancy. Several crews have made multiple return trips to finish work that should have been done weeks ago.

Today I promised a crew that I would stay with them until they finished. They will be arriving from Houston this morning and want to get the work completed so they can go back home in the morning. I have been told that they expect to get done before 9 pm; but that is their best guess.

We will see.


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