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Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Looking and more looking, anxious waiting, lost keys

Mama and I sat together last night and looked at a few new listings. None of them were outstanding, at least, not enough to shift our focus; which still remains slightly divergent between me and Mama. Mama is most excited about us going back to look at the log home she saw yesterday. I am trying to keep an open mind but I am a little concerned about the price and the fact that we would still lack in buildings needed to carry on her animal husbandry focus; which ranks a very high second place to the house attached to the property and buildings.

Mama has planned a full day tomorrow with houses to look at and shopping at Costco. This will be the second look on two properties and as such will be more detailed than out first perusal. Both of the properties we are looking at the second time are ones we anticipate offering far less than is being asked. So neither is a sure shot if we come to the point of making an offer.

 It is supposed to rain tomorrow so there will be limited number of things we can do at the farm so the timing is good to spend the day out – from the chore standpoint. There may not be as strong an argument for spending the day out on the financial side of the argument. Somehow, when I get Mama going on shopping she is difficult to stop. I know the error is mine; I fail to see all the many “needs” we continue to have.

I meant to take a picture of the sign that is now posted at the corner of our property but I did not have my phone with me last night as I passed – and I had two chances. Once I could have stopped on my way home from work and once I could have stopped while Mama and I were out gathering wild plums. We finally got enough to make a small batch of jelly; which we should do this long weekend.

I am still waiting on getting the insurance check back from the mortgage company so I can make the roof repairs we desperately need. Last night as I was going to get the tractor to do more brush hogging the sky looked like rain was imminent so I held off on being on the tractor but inwardly I cringed at the thought of more rain. As desperately as we need it I am apprehensive every rain that comes due to the roof repairs we need. As it turned out, it was a very gently brief rain even though the storm looked quite foreboding.

I have patched the cuts and tears sufficiently to keep the rain out to this point but there is always the possibility of strong storms coming up suddenly. I am not prepared for any of those and that is where the concern lies. I have to admit that the sunset through the retreating storm clouds was an exceptional exhibit of color and contrast. God is good!

Mama and I spent some time last night retracing her steps of the night before because she has lost the new set of truck keys; the ones that I paid almost three hundred dollars to have made. We did not find them but I am praying that we do. It would be disappointing to have to pay to have another set made.

Grant is coming to the farm next week. If they can be found, he will find them.


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